Example sentences of "that [pos pn] [noun] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Now that my machine seems to be working tolerably well again , here is some news , along with renewed thanks for the welcome and lovely meals whilst I was with you — and I was of course interested and glad to meet and to know they would come and try and help with anything if you ring them .
2 In its conference call with analysts yesterday morning , IBM said that its outlook continues to be difficult and uncertain in light of the destabilisation of its hardware business , and that sales of mainframes declined in a ‘ high double digit ’ rate in the first quarter on a year-to-year basis and that sales the AS/400 declined in all major geographies .
3 In its conference call with analysts yesterday morning , IBM said that its outlook continues to be difficult and uncertain in light of the destabilisation of its hardware business , and that sales of mainframes declined in a ‘ high double digit ’ rate in the first quarter on a year-to-year basis and that sales the AS/400 declined in all major geographies .
4 This toy , however , is not a plaything , at least not in the tactile sense that its creator seems to be suggesting .
5 After all , it was n't his fault that her feelings seemed to be running amok .
6 The root of delinquency , the alienation , the violent and despairing habits of today 's young , has very little to do with the fact that their parents failed to love them — most adults look round quite desperately for something , anything to coo over , however erratically — but that their parents failed to be worthy of their love .
7 The CICB said the woman were abused so long ago that their cases had to be considered under the pre-1979 rules which excluded compensation for offences committed by relatives living under the same roof .
8 The criterion of historical effectiveness must almost always mean that their history has to be ignored to give space to explain that of bigger and more effective nations .
9 An important first step was to include these hospitals in the budgets of the regional health authorities , so that their claims had to be considered alongside everyone else 's .
10 One effect of the early deadline was that some teachers claimed that their reports had to be rushed and that there was little opportunity for a considered appraisal :
11 They successfully politicised lived experiences of women in such a way that their concerns came to be seen as the concerns of Labour .
12 Suddenly there were too many women realising that their happiness had to be taken at the expense of their men 's — men who had promised so much and could not now deliver the goods ; just like her father five years before .
13 Mr Coleman said opponents of the scheme were ‘ disgusted ’ that their views seemed to be ignored by Middlesbrough Borough Council , which backs the scheme .
14 Might not St Paul or Thomas Aquinas raise an eyebrow at the idea that their views continue to be cited , given the knowledge which we now have about the origin of humankind or the biological relation of woman to man ? l6
15 As your children get older you will probably want to encourage them towards a more unselfish view of the world by pointing out that their rights have to be balanced against the rights of others — and that includes their parents .
16 The interpretation which perhaps makes most sense of people 's answers is that their decisions seem to be based first on a desire to pay off quickly , and second ( in modification of this ) on how high an instalment they can afford — rather than on interest rates or total cost .
17 Politicians , unlike actors and especially writers , know that their opinions have to be sold , that they must please .
18 There would be others on the clerical staff who were always late , always pleading that the school bus had n't turned up , or that their dog had to be walked .
19 And it was so quiet , suddenly , that their ears seemed to be singing .
20 We know that their violence has to be confronted , that people have to stand up to it .
21 The church in Wales er and and from a a survey of one church in Church of England in Hemel Hempstead , I discovered that their rate seemed to be about thirty two P per mile .
22 The actual state of the market is that it 's flooded with property , so we have a case where supply has increased , demand is still at a fairly low level , so we 're having to be very honest with our clients , our vendors , and let them know that the situation is that their property has to be of good value in the market place .
23 Remember that Pakistani rugs use rather thin wefts , which means that their knot-count has to be measured in the manner outlined on p. 27 .
24 Perhaps unnerved by the suddenness of his summons to the Prime Minister and the vigour of Palmerston 's attack , Scott felt that his case had to be presented in a ‘ more consecutive manner ’ , and on 23rd July , 1859 , he wrote a long letter to Palmerston explaining how much effort he had put into the design and what a loss it would be to the country if it was not adopted .
25 Ken smiled at Molly , retracting his top lip so that his teeth seemed to be aimed directly at her .
26 Repeatedly he has said he favours internationally supervised elections , and that his country wishes to be non-aligned .
27 Leigh had made it clear to Olivier during this time of her mental illness that she no longer loved him , and Olivier was well aware that his wife wanted to be with Finchie .
28 She lived to regret what she regarded as her weakness , for the child 's fate was to be so terrible that his existence had to be denied in her own mind .
29 Unfortunately , it means that his urine has to be tested every two months .
30 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
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