Example sentences of "that [subord] [pron] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This means that if they fight alongside other troops their vulnerability will drag down your overall combat result score .
2 One thing that he did make very clear at the end was that if we thought of other things that he should know about , or it would be helpful for him to know about , we should contact him , so he 's left it very open for us to have an ongoing contact which I thought .
3 I often think that if we dressed in old Barbours and flat caps we would n't create so much antipathy .
4 It is true that if someone talks to intelligent people regularly and is well informed and advised , then much is absorbed .
5 And a kind of consensus develops amongst right-minded people in your neighbourhood , that if you keep to certain rules and rituals then by God , by magic , you 'll get to heaven , you wo n't even have to die .
6 The selling agent , Ellis ( 01-706 0844 ) , says it can arrange a Swiss mortgage to finance up to 60 per cent of the purchase price of the property — but remember that if you borrow in Swiss francs and the pound falls against the Swiss currency , the amount and cost of your mortgage could rise .
7 Yes , I mean you put your finger on an important problem here that we need to discuss and that is that if you concentrate on human beings in general , and this is true on our own society but I , I think it 's true of just about all societies and it 's emphatically true of primal hunting adult societies then men do make a lot of parental investment do n't they ?
8 In Britain it seems to be a kind of tradition that if you refer to modern art at all , you make jokes about it .
9 I promise you that if you persevere with aerobic walking the psychological benefits alone will make you want to get out every day .
10 I have given strict orders to my henchmen that if I die in suspicious circumstances , they are to hang my chaplain immediately .
11 He claims , with every semblance of sincerity , that whereas he had on previous occasions deliberately sought out these wretched and exploited females , this time he had no thoughts of fornication in his head .
12 We do not exclude that possibility , but we find that when we talk to local authorities that they do not have the money to buy married quarters in the first place .
13 Remember that when we talk about Religious we mean :
14 And , of course , I mean , we have , have to remember , that when we talk about ageing altruism , this is just an abstraction .
15 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
16 ‘ The way 3i is structured means that when you get to local director level you 're meant to feel : ‘ This is your own business .
17 But the fact was that when it came to practical jokes , he regarded anybody as fair game , from the most fleeting acquaintance to the dearest friend .
18 A recent national survey by a leading High Street chain store showed that when it comes to female Merseystyle , it 's pinstripes for the day and the ‘ tarty ’ look at night .
19 If you 've read our fab feature — the Men 's Room , then you 'll know that when it comes to great skin care , shaving and shaving products play a vital role — that 's why Wilkinson Sword have designed Skin Solutions for men .
20 He is being wooed by three counter-arguments : first , that when it comes to big , company-wide computer systems , customers still prefer to buy everything from a single , proven supplier ; second , that mainframes will remain at the heart of many of tomorrow 's systems , in which a network of PCs will be served by a central processor ; and third , that IBM is moving away from being hardware-dominated to become , increasingly , a one-stop-shop for computer consultancy and services .
21 Above all , the elections have provided a shot in the arm for the Christian right , proving , first , that blacks and Hispanics are more likely to listen to Baptist ministers and Pentecostalist preachers than the likes of Mayor Dinkins and Joseph Fernandez , and , second , that when it comes to gay sex , fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other .
22 Is it not the case that when it comes to positive action and real decisions , the Government are always in the pocket of the landowners ?
23 He 'd made major strides in establishing the kind of company he wanted , which was n't the kind of company David wanted , and I think David saw that when he got to New York .
24 Erdogan Kizilkaya claims that when he arrived at Kayseri Police Headquarters he was stripped and taken to an interrogation room where electric shocks were applied to his penis , hands and feet .
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