Example sentences of "that [pers pn] might as well [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I gave him my breath until I was dizzy myself and I still would n't accept it was all useless , that I might as well stop .
2 The station cafe was still open so I decided that I might as well go in there .
3 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has left the restaurant , I decide that I might as well leave too .
4 ‘ It 's just that I might as well have stayed in the sitting-room , that 's all . ’
5 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
6 I thought she 'd argue that she might as well go somewhere she 'd always wanted to visit . ’
7 Watching the other girl jog into the distance , Lindsey hesitated fractionally before deciding that she might as well go for a swim anyway .
8 She forgot to call the apartment again , and decided by two in the morning that she might as well stay at the clinic for what was left of the night .
9 It took them an hour to convince her that it would be all right to go , that she would not be disloyal to Peter ; but , finally she agreed that she might as well indulge the boy .
10 The truth was that she would doze now and then — ten minutes here , twenty there ; but her dreams were so vivid and so close to her conscious fears that she might as well have been awake .
11 The American troupe were refreshingly different , innovative , but Virginia reflected afterwards that she might as well have been watching a film with no pictures , in a language she did n't understand , such was her lack of concentration on the details of that evening .
12 Chewing on her lip in thought , she finally set off towards the ten-gallon drums , reasoning that she might as well try to find out as much as possible while she was here , and run like hell when the time came .
13 The dividing line between the pro-cases and the contra-cases is so blurred and ill defined that you might as well toss a coin to decide it .
14 You might then find that having gone to the trouble of preparing a good speech and a joke just in case , you decide that you might as well give the speech anyway !
15 The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah was right when he said of an unlikely event that you might as well expect a leopard to change its spots .
16 It took George several hours to get used to the fact that I was deceitful and irresponsible , but eventually he agreed that we might as well get as good a price as we could — £10 , he thought , if they had n't spotted the broken springs .
17 There is already a feeling in some people 's minds that in athletics , as in so many other aspects of life , what can be done with the human body will be done , and that we might as well let them get on with it .
18 They reason that they might as well make the same effort journeying to meet the other people in person .
19 ‘ Having committed one offence and been given a criminal recordfor innocent hacking , they may feel that they might as well get in a bit deeper . ’
20 I remember thinking at the time that the two men were father-figures in more than one sense , and that it might as well have been Father Eliot as Father D'Arcy .
21 Some observers reckon Kodak 's business will be so poor in the wake of its lay-offs that it might as well depart Japan altogether .
22 But The Washington Post reported on 22 February that Mr Frohnmayer had been warned last October that he might as well start looking for a new job .
23 ‘ I suppose you told him , just as your mother did , that he might as well take me ? ’
24 My argument was that he might as well use pit-props for his fishing , for he could n't possibly gain any enjoyment from playing fish , or handling such a rod with no more than a 4lb line .
25 His tone of voice was so bland that he might as well have been asking my opinion of Wavebreaker 's sea-keeping qualities .
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