Example sentences of "that [pers pn] never [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Finally we climbed a bank and were on the road again , the smoothness of it lulling me into such a deep sleep that I never saw the barrier at the railway crossing , did not even hear them telling Ward the Jequetepeque had broken its banks a little further on .
2 Face red , chest puffed with indignation , young John would yelp : ‘ I assure you quite categorically that I never touched the ball .
3 Now I have been digressing and let me say quite clearly that I never knew the answer and I do not know it now , how the tremendously high level of morale was sustained , not just in the Pathfinders , but throughout the Command as a whole .
4 Under the circumstances then , perhaps it was wisely ordered that I never found a man to form that special relationship .
5 Told me Moira F. had written to him , anxious for news about the glass , complaining that I never answered the phone , never replied to her letters , what should he tell her ?
6 A nagging little voice reminded her how reticent her father had been about his past , always changing the subject abruptly so that she never learnt a thing about him .
7 Er , she says that she 's er , there 's absolutely nothing doing just at the moment , erm , but she says that she never knows the time when she will be called upon to you know , be asked to do a trip , but
8 You can sue the professionals — builders , architects , surveyors or engineers — by courtesy of the Defective Premises Act 1972 , despite the fact that you never had a contract with them yourself .
9 There was a feeling that you never saw a policeman .
10 You need to establish trust with solicitors which means that you never poach the client , and it is possible to prepare and sign a protocol to that effect .
11 he 's going , so busy looking on what 's going on behind the question that 's being asked , that you never answer the question that you 're being asked in the first place .
12 ( Both turned out to be philanthropists , which just goes to show that you never judge a book by its cover . )
13 I do suggest that you never lead the mare in or out without having her on a lungeing cavesson and rope or a bridle with reins … a headcollar and rope is INSUFFICIENT .
14 I hope that we never reach the position that I have sometimes , although not often , met in my constituency , when I have received a phone call from a private home to the effect that it could no longer keep a patient who had perhaps become doubly incontinent .
15 They could claim that they never had the opportunity to be successful whereas those who filled the top jobs owed their position to their relatives , friends and the advantages of birth .
16 The primary intention is only to consider the Cossacks on a formation basis , and certainly all the evidence indicates that it never entered the mind of anyone at HQ 5 corps that a comprehensive detailed screening process should take place , to sort out liability to repatriation on an individual basis .
17 If so it is all the greater tribute to his qualities that he never took a step to force the issue or to encourage abdication .
18 ‘ And the fact that he never got a kick at Maine Road , and the sort of game he watched today , makes English football very attractive to him .
19 Intention alone is not sufficient , however ; if it were , the accused need only argue that he never meant the effect he produced .
20 Though Hobbes had already made enemies of John Wallis and Seth Ward , two of its founder members , over his claim to have solved the geometrical problem of squaring the circle , it was at least partly due to his association in the popular mind with a materialistic atheism that he never became a Fellow .
21 Despite this inauspicious start he became an educated and articulate person who occasionally had to remind his company that he never heard a voice , not even his own .
22 So much of him was drawn into his eyes that he never heard the drumming of hooves cross the plateau from the ramp , or the rattle of the chains as the drawbridge was lowered in haste .
23 Yet Evans-Pritchard records that he never met a Zande who admitted to practising witchcraft , although when pressed Zande might acknowledge that witchcraft substance could act on its own account , perhaps even against the conscious intentions of the person concerned .
24 Jeremiah experienced God as a pain that invaded his every limb , and Muhammad said that he never received a revelation without feeling that his soul was being torn from his body .
25 ‘ He was a middle-aged guy and I was beginning to think that he never saw a guy with long hair before .
26 The problem was that he never had the opportunity to follow the second .
27 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
28 Finally , in a recent conversation , Anna Freud confirmed that it always remained one of her father 's favourite works and that he never doubted the correctness of its conclusions .
29 Hume , himself , recently admitted in an interview that he never wanted the word ‘ Labour ’ in the Party 's name .
30 Alcatraz on the grounds that he never finishes a sentence .
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