Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 It follows that it is reasonable to assume that a unit of goodness can exist in the mind of man to aid him in understanding the origin of his God , just as the scientific unit aids human thought directed towards physical activity .
2 From the later middle years onward , there is some decline in the body 's production of the male hormones and this will begin to have marked effect in the seventies ; but , again , continued sexual activity will serve to keep hormonal levels up , so that it is legitimate to say that sexual activity in the man can continue — provided his health is good and the system is not impaired by disability — well into the eighth decade of life or even longer , provided he keeps in practice .
3 I do not believe that it is helpful to suggest that the problem is widespread or in any way worrying , either for the consumer or for the farming industry as a whole .
4 So , against Clark , it must be argued that it is misleading to claim that because animals , imbeciles , and normal infants are all weak , defenceless , and at our mercy , to treat any of them in the same way ( say by killing them for food or using them in research ) is ‘ in moral terms , the very same act ’ ( Clark 1978 : 149 ) .
5 If a case falls midway between two authorities , this may indicate that there is a fundamental conflict of principle between the two authorities , and that it is necessary to hold that one of them was wrongly decided .
6 With respect to the second of these issues , Peirce holds that it is rational to suppose that there is , in any particular case , an affinity between our sense of plausibility and the nature of reality .
7 All-glass tanks are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes some so huge that it is easy to doubt that such a fragile framework , only held together with silicone sealant and weighing anything up to 1000 kilos ( 2000 lb ) or more when filled and stocked , is capable of withstanding all the pressure without collapsing .
8 We are so used to hearing talk about the nervous system ‘ encoding ’ the outside world that it is easy to forget that this is a metaphor and it is one that has no place in serious philosophical discussion of the mind-body problem or the philosophy of perception .
9 Particularly in their polemical passages they have a freshness and directness , such assurance that the world is now their oyster , that it is easy to forget that they did not go uncriticized .
10 Power is so seductively close that it is easy to forget that in British politics the winner takes all , or to believe that this time it all will come right and they can themselves grasp power without conceding any .
11 There are such obvious advantages in having access through video to examples of teaching that it is easy to forget that there can also be problems .
12 They argue that it is misguided to pretend that these proscribed organisations ( like Sinn Fein ) either do not exist or do not carry massive popular support .
13 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
14 Defendants are permitted to prove their innocence to the extent of whatever accounts and receipts they may have , but case law has shown that it is impossible to prove that savings from wages are not the fruit of crime , being just money in the bank .
15 But because it is part of the school ethos ( for teachers and pupils alike ) that it is embarrassing to show that you have been hurt , people remain mostly unaware of the pain that these mundane disparagements cause .
16 Other people found his looks so engaging that it is sad to think that he was deeply conscious of noses , especially when he was worried about Jewishness .
17 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
18 These examples demonstrate that it is absurd to say that the Cox Report does not advocate the teaching of grammar .
19 Yet the central point is that it is absurd to assume that any woman is less competent to direct her life than any man she marries .
20 I agree also that it is absurd to suggest that there is anything wrong with national testing of pupils ' progress at certain ages , both to inform parents and to inform localities about the performance of their schools .
21 It notes that it is possible to argue that societies ' liquid assets are mostly fixed , mostly current or neither fixed nor current !
22 Decision tables are less graphical but are concise and have an in-built verification mechanism so that it is possible to check that all the conditions have been catered for .
23 The managers may feel that it is appropriate to insist that the second investor 's director bring to the board something additional , such as technical expertise or contacts .
24 This period of Eliot 's development is often seen as one of increasing narrowing , so that it is useful to emphasize that while it certainly represents a concentration of energy on Christian themes , it also represents a continuing openness to other elements and a drawing on resources whose foundations were laid in Eliot 's studies at Harvard .
25 So far in this section the naive inductivist account of science has been undermined largely by arguing that theories must precede observation statements , so that it is false to claim that science starts with observation .
26 The possibility of a profit from the sale of one 's crime story is , however , so speculative that it is unrealistic to suppose that one would be deterred from committing a crime by the constructive trust statute .
27 I think that it is true to say that almost all practitioners of quantum mechanics talk in a strongly realistic way about a world described by wavefunctions .
28 Further , there is such a large overlap between girls ' and boys ' test or examination results that it is true to say that a great many girls do better at mathematics than the majority of boys .
29 The first is that it is hard to ensure that the industry really does minimize costs .
30 So little of a reliable nature is known of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's life , so prominent is the association of him with Aksaray that it is tempting to think that he passed his whole life there : such certainly is the thrust of the Ottoman sources as well as Melikoff 's article .
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