Example sentences of "that [pers pn] might not have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Ngo Van Loc drove them northwards , her thoughts against her will returned constantly to the frenzy of that midnight jungle storm and the gnawing fear that she might not have emerged from her folly unscathed .
2 His hands did n't roam , did n't take liberties that she might not have wanted him to take ; only his head moved , his mouth , as he kissed her first one way , then another ; drew her lower lip , infinitely gently , between his ; sampled the top lip , her tongue ; moved languidly to approach from another direction .
3 When she was younger and thoroughly impatient with her mother she had sometimes entertained a fantasy that Constance would kidnap her and take her away to live with the gipsies : now she felt that she might not have liked it as much as she thought .
4 Once she had taken off her black suit and was lying in bed dressed only in her underclothes and dressing gown , she admitted to herself that she was so tired that she might not have lasted out the afternoon in court without fainting .
5 Beneath the overwhelming memories of physical delight there were fears — a fear that she might not have measured up in some way .
6 He came and went so quickly that she might not have known it was him save for the flash of his yellow cravat under the gas-lamp .
7 You have to consider things very carefully , and quite often you end up making decisions that you might not have made if you 'd been alone . ’
8 ‘ It occurred to me that you might not have seen Madeira before , ’ he said .
9 The aircraft was so silent , the atmosphere so eerie that as the medical team jumped from the ambulance they all began to fear the worst for the passengers inside — that they might not have survived the shock and impact of the crash landing .
10 It lacked five days to Christmas , and it might be , with a good wind and a following swell , that they might not have to spend Christmas at Birsay .
11 However , these readers were students of English , which means that they were used to reading texts for tutorials that they might not have chosen to read on their own .
12 IBM Corp has agreed to pay the US government $14.8m to settle that potential False Claims Act civil suit after IBM admitted to providing reconditioned or remanufactured computer equipment to the US government between 1980 and 1990 , contrary to contract provisions — under the contract , IBM was required to notify the government prior to delivery of anything other than new equipment , and the investigation revealed that IBM delivered approximately 15,000 reconditioned or remanufactured machines to the government ; IBM voluntarily owned up that it might not have fulfilled its obligations under the contract after conducting an internal audit .
13 He saw Anna occasionally but he had not seen Freda for years though he had to admit that he might not have recognised her had he passed her in the street .
14 MacDonald said that he ‘ might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet ’ ; the night before his interview with the King , Baldwin had gone to Neville Chamberlain 's house in Eaton Square , and ‘ hoped and prayed that he might not have to join a National Government ’ ; even after his interview with the King .
15 But it must also be remembered that this statement was made after his involvement with Surrealism and that he might not have phrased his reactions in precisely this way in earlier years .
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