Example sentences of "that [pers pn] might have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Has it occurred to you that I nearly disturbed the murderer — that I might have been killed as well ?
2 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
3 Because it suddenly occurs to me that I might have been left alone to get on with this assignment if my divisional head had n't beamed in on my activities and seen something she did n't like in my relationship with Rainbow .
4 ‘ How did I get here ? ’ she asked , looking around a shabby but pleasant room , feeling so frail that she might have been made of china , china broken into a thousand pieces .
5 In the first instance decision of Harvey [ 1988 ] Crim.L.R. 241 , a confession of murder made by a psychopathically disordered woman was , it is submitted , rightly excluded when it became apparent that she might have been motivated by a childlike desire to protect her lover , whom she had over-heard confessing to the same offence .
6 ‘ As you realize , ’ he said , ‘ we have been thinking that she might have been murdered outside the City boundaries , and brought in on a meat barrow . ’
7 Death from a drug overdose was the conclusion reached after she committed suicide , though speculation existed that she might have been murdered .
8 ‘ You are not suggesting that she might have been sacrificed in some demoniacal ritual , are you , Burney ? ’
9 The possibility that she might have been raped should have made him pause and perhaps pity , but his savage jealousy allowed no room for it .
10 Although she was not suicidal the therapist agreed that she might have been feeling as if she wanted to die at the time of the overdose .
11 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
12 Erm you had a statement of Barbara 's , if it was in there , it was planned so that you crew can work harder erm although you filled in the bonus question well , the there was a tend dangerous tendency for you be sucked in to go into the bonus and I think you did well to say yeah well we 'd better walk along to that so you held out which was nice because if I had if you had n't tackled that you might have been shown the door once you 'd gone through that .
13 ‘ Are you thinking about the fact that we might have been murdered ourselves last night ? ’
14 They were so still that they might have been made of granite .
15 Worried that they might have been dragged into the tanker war in the Gulf , they bought intermediate-range missiles from China in May .
16 Worried that they might have been dragged into the tanker war in the Gulf , they bought intermediate-range missiles from China in May .
17 Early observers who saw otters surfacing with abalones noticed that the abalone shells were often damaged , suggesting that they might have been removed by force .
18 It was so wet and cold that they might have been walking in the sea , but she did not seem to notice .
19 To mitigate his appearance , he had grown a beard — though it was so fine , to conform with custom , that it might have been painted on with a kohl-brush , an impression reinforced by the methodical severity with which the rest of the face had been shaved .
20 Suddenly , I stumbled across flat , hard ground , a track so firm that it might have been paved .
21 Later , in England , it occurred to her that it might have been said ironically , but by then she had forgotten the context and intonation of it , could only remember that it was said under hot sun outside the Maison Carrée in Nîmes , where the air was fluent and the stones shone .
22 There was so much hostility to his Catholicism and his attack on chartered rights that it might have been thought William and Mary would have had no difficulty establishing their authority in America , but this was not what happened .
23 The side which had lain on the river bed was green and moss-grown and there was nothing about it except for its shape and its anomalous position in the water to show that it might have been used as a lethal weapon .
24 Do you think , lad , that it might have been used to bring the body into the alley ? ’
25 Rolle also hints that he might have been damaged in some way .
26 ‘ Is it possible , in your view , that he might have been killed because of his ‘ little campaigns ’ as you call them ? ’
27 A GLASGOW bus driver said yesterday that he might have been blinded during an attack by a drunken passenger who had broken into his cabin and assaulted him as he drove through the city centre one Saturday evening .
28 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
29 Had he stayed , there was every chance that he might have been forced eventually to join the Militia — a thing few Titfords would face with relish ; but most significant of all , perhaps — apart from his obvious inner resilience and entrepreneurial spirit — he had the singular advantage of having well-off relations to latch onto in London .
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