Example sentences of "that [pers pn] could have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
2 The print , called ‘ Suspense ’ , hung over my parents ' bed and from a very early age I wished that I could have a dog like that — have a look at the picture of my Nip on page 110 .
3 My first big chance to put money in the bank came in 1986 when Middlesex awarded me a benefit , which was meant to make sure that I could have a start in the world outside cricket once I retired .
4 All he had to do then was to make it known that he had promised to leave Laura alone so that she could have a rest in peace , to make an excuse about paying a brief visit to the Gents , to go up to his room — probably via the guest-lift — to stick his hand inside the room and grab the handbag , to take out the jewel before dumping the handbag , and then … ’
5 Feeling suddenly full of energy , she got up , and , switching on the immersion heater so that she could have a bath later , she decided to give the cottage a good clean .
6 Principally because of ACT , there is no way that you could have a UK company over a European group .
7 I think that generally they came in because they liked the style erm they , they , usually had er , in their minds what they wanted and because they go round and see all these fittings at night , I mean our shop used to be all the fittings were lit up at night so that you could have a look in , erm it 's very confusing I think when you , you 've got an awful lot of fittings in , in , in a shop and , and all of them lit , decide which one 's gon na to be the best for your house , but I think most of them already had ideas what , what sort of fitting they wanted and of course we used to do a great deal of
8 But after our day out when we 'd had such a good time it seemed as though you might care and that we could have a chance .
9 There were hints that they too saw signs in our future ; in second year our history teacher told us that things were easier now for Catholics than they had ever been , that we could have a place in the world , that there was even a chance that a Catholic would be President of the United States after the next election .
10 She also knew that it meant that we could have a car when otherwise we could n't .
11 It was then withdrawn and another Bill was introduced , just so that we could have a crackdown on dangerous dogs .
12 It is a wonderful notion that we could have a conference of the main spokesmen for the different organisations
13 Proposing the motion , Stewart Day suggested that it could have a sado-masochists dungeon , a jungle room , a vicars ‘ n ’ tarts room , and so on . ’
14 Gascoigne said in a Channel Four interview that he plans to have ‘ a private word ’ with the England boss following remarks which had suggested that he could have a drinking problem .
15 None the less , the universality of this practice is attested by one wit who told Brown that he would like to die before him , so that he could have a look at heaven before Brown ‘ improved ’ it .
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