Example sentences of "that [pers pn] have [adv] given [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that I 've never given the matter much thought .
2 Erm but erm that 's a , a very important point and er just remember that you have actually given the money to the other partner , technically in terms of tax anyway , and er that er can , can have an affect on things .
3 This is proven by the fact that they have recently given the go-ahead to introduce a wheelie-bin scheme which envisages no recycling whatsoever and at a cost to poll tax payers of £1.25m .
4 This is proven by the fact that they have recently given the go-ahead to introduce a wheelie-bin scheme which envisages no recycling whatsoever and at a cost to poll tax payers of £1.25m .
5 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
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