Example sentences of "that [pers pn] be no [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Except , a small protective inner voice prompted her hurtfully , that I 'm no long-term threat to your person or your property because in a few days ' time at the very most I shall be out of your land and out of your life .
2 I have to say that I was no budding Garth Crooks or John Fashanu , but I was fairly useful and could score goals .
3 ‘ Well , I warned you at the interview that I was no easy option , did n't I ? ’ he barked .
4 Ten years of study persuaded him that she was no such thing .
5 Feeling surprised that she was no nearer solving the enigma of Mark Vila , she tried to find something to take her mind off things , toying with the idea of running a couple of black and white Marlene Dietrich movies , but a glance at her watch told her that it was already late in the afternoon .
6 She also tried hard to revive interest in Idomeneo , thus proving that she was no musical ignoramus .
7 Now , their own story-teller had shown that they were no mere bunch of tramps .
8 that it is no good thing for any state to be involved in redistributive welfare policies — in which case the periphery must presumably be left to fend for itself .
9 It should also be recognized that it is no easy task to spend several hours in the company of someone whose behaviour may be odd and conversation repetitive or bizarre .
10 Spinoza says that it is no mere accident that this is never so , but that it is built into the essential nature of human beings that they need these relations with others for the achievement of personal fulfilment .
11 Because these were not casual , throw-away remarks , but a sustained celebration of youthfulness which has now become virtually unthinkable within the thickening twilight of liberal education : This kind of exhilaration has gone out of writings on the youth question , and some people will think that it is no bad thing .
12 That Boulestin recorded the menu and the occasion indicates , one deduces , that it was no such thing :
13 The woman gave a brief smile to show that it was no big deal .
14 But listen to big Ray Close and he would have you believe that it was no big deal , just another fight and a chance to earn the kind of money he used to dream of as an amateur with Ledley Hall .
15 What is in fashion — among literary critics and judges of prizes — is a curious form of esotericism , whereby the novelist reminds us that he is no mere novelist but an extraordinary intelligence as well .
16 His minders were angry with us when we said and wrote that he is no great orator .
17 ‘ Should you be referring to Vaughan , good uncle , I assure you that he is no vexatious matter , ’ Edward said hotly .
18 He will guide and accompany them wherever they go — and they will know that he is no local deity whose power is limited to Sinai .
19 It was clear that he was no ordinary curate .
20 I should have allowed for it that he was no ordinary man , and could move like a thunderstorm when he willed .
21 It was n't his case and they were n't suspects , and they must have known that he was no cheerful extrovert , flattered to be the centre of attraction while they bombarded him with questions about Chief Inspector Rickards 's likely methods , the chance of catching the Whistler , his theories about psychopathic killers , his own experience of serial murder .
22 Dustin was determined to prove that he was no seven-day wonder whose promise would remain unfulfilled : the history of American culture is already littered with enough of these .
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