Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb past] [vb pp] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , well erm , see I advertised it all round cafe as well that I 'd sent for it as well .
2 But no child , So I got up and changed into my khaki drill and was just about to throw the water off the groundsheet that by this time had collected in the hole that I had prepared for my sleeping , to find that there was a black scorpion wallowing in the slight indentation I had made in the sand .
3 The pint of milk and newspapers that she had ordered for her arrival were correctly outside the front door .
4 But before Lucy could answer Doreen leaned forward and lied in a sweet voice , ‘ I told Miss Telford that you 'd said for her to get into the bus .
5 He said that was fine and that he knew that the sails would be as good as the last suit that we had made for him .
6 It brought back memories of the time , more than seventy years ago , that they 'd fought for their country .
7 They departed , as in the cases of Buxton , Hastings and Morgan and Phipson , from the arrangements that they had devised for themselves , and in many cases ignored their professional advisers .
8 First came the minstrels , yelling war songs , and when they had finished they tore off their mantles and threw them down before the Empress , saying now that they had fought for her such clothes were no longer worthy of them and would she give them new ones ?
9 It was bitterly resentful , her hatred burning high as she remembered the months running into years that it had taken for her to convince herself that the guilt she had felt after her own father 's death was a self-destructive trap and just one more wrong done to her by Luke Scott .
10 As they moved cautiously towards it , Fenella saw that it had opened for them just the smallest sliver and that beyond it were shards of light .
11 Brought up in the ethic of duty , this was hard for Jane to get used to , but when she broke out into the sunshine , it was all the more joyous , and she thanked God , or Nature , or Fate , or whatever power there is , that it had happened for her in her lifetime .
12 Lots of activities that need a spiritual power to make them work are actually outlawed by God in the Bible , so any spiritual power being used in them is clearly not from him but is from Satan ; God would n't ban something that he 'd created for our good !
13 for example , long after Bede , in his Boke of Nurture John Russell , who had been Marshal of the household of the great patron of learning , the youngest son of Henry IV , Duke Humphrey of Gloucester ( 1391–1447 ) , described how the four courses of an elaborate fish-dinner that he had prepared for his master and guests was accompanied by appropriate ‘ subtleties ’ , or ornamental devices .
14 When we arrived at Jaipur my father told us that he had sent for us so that we could go with him tiger-shooting .
15 During one of my trips to the USA in the 1960s , Shaheen telephoned my hotel one day to say that he had arranged for me to have lunch with Richard Nixon , who at the time had not yet declared that he would run for the presidency in the election of 1968 .
16 As he had passed her in the little hall this morning a tendril of her silky black hair had brushed his ruined cheek , and the smell of it had been so distracting that he had feared for his composure .
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