Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Though of course before that I 'd already done my bit : I was one of Our Lads , I was an Expeditionary , part of the Task Force that recaptured Maggie 's surrendered popularity . ’
2 Now it seemed fortunate that I had n't ; just as it seemed , though still obscurely , fortunate that I had n't lost my head in other ways when I wrote to her .
3 So the first opportunity I had I left Bradley 's and went back to the Lock so it 'd been war direction , war service we asked and it counted as me service with the Lock , that I had n't interrupted me service being as I was directed so that 's how I say I had fifty years at the Lock .
4 Never mind that I had n't remembered my birthday either .
5 The first thought that came to me was that I had n't got my clean bloomers on .
6 I was confused and still worried that there might be horses and that I had not changed my bloomers which were wet from where I had fallen in the icy fish .
7 It had just crossed my mind that I had not had my boots off since the evening of the 4th June and it was now 8th June .
8 ‘ Indeed , but for my brother 's tears , his reproaches that I had not drawn my sword , I would have dismissed the whole affair as a nightmare . ’
9 Did he know that she 'd revealed his habit of farting as he came , or that I had once worn his pyjamas while she blew me ?
10 The fact that I had never seen my aunt looking so elegant added to my impression that I was imagining this .
11 She had no idea , Leni was certain , that she had even harmed her brother 's career , let alone collapsed it .
12 For a moment she was afraid that David was going to ask her what on earth she was talking about and tell her that she had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration , but he did not .
13 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
14 When Leo made some small movement , she was suddenly brought back to the present and became mortifyingly aware that she had just emptied her heart to a virtual stranger .
15 And it was no wonder that she had n't touched his lips with hers .
16 Her arms hugged around herself , she stood in the phone-box for a long time after she 'd replaced the receiver and it seemed quite incomprehensible to her now that she had n't contacted her mother before .
17 The fact that she had n't seen her prospective husband since she was ten was neither here nor there .
18 However they accepted that Mrs. Buttigieg is a regular and long-time customer and that she had n't seen their notice .
19 Having driven herself to meet Travis to obviate Naylor Massingham knowing that she had n't heeded his ‘ … in your interests not to see him again' warning , Leith discovered that she need not have bothered .
20 ‘ I said earlier in the year that she had n't reached her peak .
21 She knew she wore the scarf through a sense of guilt , a gesture to her family to say that she had n't forgotten her religious upbringing .
22 Defries had made it clear that she had n't abandoned her intention to destroy the heart of the Spinward Corporation , even at the sacrifice of her own life , and Bernice stayed alongside her at least partly to prevent her doing something rash .
23 She was seized with panic , remembering that she had not seen her own face for so long .
24 Kathleen had not dared to mention those things , must pretend that she had not noticed their absence .
25 The short answer to that is I think that she had not forfeited her right to be maintained by her husband by being in desertion : she had only suspended her right and not destroyed it .
26 She had n't really believed him , but so much of her new life had still to make sense to her that she had not challenged his statement .
27 She felt smugly satisfied that she had not fed his ego by asking what he did in London , or any of the other dozen or so questions it looked as if he had been bracing himself for .
28 Relieved that she had not betrayed her real feelings , Sophie concentrated on the morning surgery , which , however , was not very busy .
29 Hoping desperately that she had not changed her mind , he leaned over and kissed her on the mouth .
30 The reason , we found , was that she had not changed her self-image .
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