Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was in that office on the fourth floor that I heard and felt the city of Dublin roar and shudder with the explosion of three massive bombs which ripped through the heart of the city and its people .
2 ‘ Now I 'll go back and tell that silly little receptionist what a silly little toad he is too and if he does n't turn over the keys to the apartment that I booked and paid a deposit on I 'll scream all the way to his boss . ’
3 Or that I killed and mutilated a half-mad witch ? ’
4 It is on this that I lie and visualize the various ‘ assaults ’ upon my cancer cells that I have already described .
5 I make sure , then prepare to leave , but I want to make it appear that I entered and left the church like a ghost .
6 Janice was certainly helped by the sympathetic understanding of her fellow teachers , but the fact that she stayed and weathered the storm had much to do with her deeply held conviction that work must be seen as service .
7 It is also important that you try and evaluate the dramatic experience of these different forms of presentation — this is worthwhile , because it will make you think about the different ways in which an actor can work and the various ways in which his skills are used .
8 Tension — and we know it well ! — collects around the neck and shoulder area , so it is important that you try and relax the muscles in that region before you start any exercise programme .
9 We 've got a ladies luncheon in Glasgow for four hundred and the organiser , Ruth the chair of Glasgow branch , is being helped by two ladies from the business community erm Linda from the BAFTA award and Tessa who has her own marketing company , so we 're hoping to sort of pull in a lot of people from that erm Judy the chair of Scottish council , is yet again holding her Charlotte Square ball erm , this was very , very successful two years ago , I think you know erm and we 're hoping for the same success erm , we are very lucky that the Royal Highland Show has chosen us to be er the charity this year for the gala preview of the show erm this is er for three hundred people , a champagne reception erm sponsored by the Bank of Scotland , so that you go and see the flowers before the show opens the next day .
10 At the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I was asked to write to you again about this and to suggest that you come and assess the situation on site with a view to arranging for a footway to be constructed .
11 To design any piece of audio equipment successfully the first stage is to define exactly what it is that you require and determine the circuit from this information .
12 I am certain that you know and revere the name of Dr Erasmus Darwin in your day .
13 It is essential therefore , that you identify and appreciate the historian 's viewpoint , follow the individual steps in his arguments and pinpoint the specific reasons he offers for his views .
14 In order to test your new LIFESPAN Process , we recommend that you enter and approve the configuration file you have built for it .
15 It is then that you find and join the Bisus to learn the old ways of magic .
16 I 've often said that we go and have a look
17 Nevertheless I consider it essential that we try and reach an agreement or at least an understanding before the report is considered by the Finance Committee .
18 If we are to ensure that we preserve and protect the quality of life in the urban environment , we must recognise the need for a change in the code of compensation and the circumstances and amount in which it is given .
19 We may consider it a virtue rather than a vice that we possess and exert the power to live , as it were , outside ourselves .
20 Crewe says : ‘ We are not going for numbers — we have to stay contained to offer the level of service that we do and meet the needs of our existing customer base . ’
21 Erm , on appendix B , erm there is an item which erm members of the committee erm will know about very well it 's the laboratory services that we give and have a great relate to them , erm the item goes under seven I believe , the figures there have dropped , is that because we 'd had a successful income erm there , we 've got a hundred and ten thousand for both up ninety two and ninety three and ninety , sorry ninety two three and ninety three ninety four , is it that er , could we know or are we estimating that we 're going to get a nice income because we have been told in earlier reports that this is quite a good slice of income to us and those figures are amended accordingly is that right ?
22 One set of issues has to do with the way in which science and technology so drastically alter previous patterns of life that they erode and undermine the social , ethical and spiritual values which had been encapsulated and preserved in them .
23 The sonnet which apparently seeks to contain the truth of the youth 's beauty so as to gain power and control over it , exposes that it destroys and banishes the youth 's beauty .
24 The idea behind ‘ Teethgrinder ’ is so simple , yet so strange , that it fascinates and thrills every time it is played .
25 The pluralist perspective makes no attempt to criticise British politics , and it chooses to bend democratic theory in a conservative direction so that it justifies and defends the established order .
26 Gen. Try Sutrisno , the C.-in-C. of the Indonesian Armed Forces , said on Dec. 27 that he respected and supported the KPN 's preliminary findings .
27 He confirmed that he understood and signed the record of interview as accurate .
28 The New Ager certainly demonstrates some of these qualities in the way that he creates and refines an original artistic fiction .
29 He rushed along London Street and Bridge Road so fast that he puffed and staggered the last few yards to the cottage where he lived with his parents and two younger brothers .
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