Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [been] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the beginning of 1942 rapid expansion had taken place , so that by the end of that year there were some 3,293 staff of all grades , of whom 1,566 were service personnel and 1,727 civilian , and by the time that I had been there for a year there were over 5,000 in all .
2 The girl had been missing for what — a week ? — and off-hand he agreed with the local man 's judgement that she had been here for most of it .
3 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
4 Slowly she began to come back to reality , and realise that she had been entirely at his mercy .
5 It appeared that she 'd been right about Harry Martin 's being behind the attempts to intimidate her .
6 During the time that you 've been away from work you have certainly not been ‘ not working ’ — you have undertaken a whole host of activities which happen to have been unpaid .
7 What better way to prove that you have been somewhere in a consumer culture , than to buy something made locally whilst you are there .
8 I typed on to the telex : ‘ Darling John , It seems unbelievable that you have been away from us for so long .
9 Now that we had been here for nearly seven weeks , we were beginning to wonder if the final climax would ever take place at all .
10 What we did was we based our forecast , which I think Mr raised that point , we based our forecast on the admissions that we did at the Department of Social Security and I 'm glad to say that we have been significantly under that level and partly I think because er we 've had people who have genuinely diverted into home care and who 've been able to which is why we 've put the pressure on home care and on the occupational therapy services and partly because erm the , there were some inappropriate admissions I must say that .
11 How could she confess that they 'd been right about Ryan ?
12 No matter what Bob says or Harry or any other member of the Conservative group , and I accept that they 've always been consistent on it the same as the Labour group has always been consistently against the merger I accept that they 've been consistently in favour of a total merger .
13 The main thrust of all the writings was to show that Bonapartism was for France the natural system of government and that it had been so since the Revolution .
14 The sovereign power inherent in the British Crown , as exercised through Council and through Parliament , derives not from a treaty or document or compact , but from prescription , from the fact that it has been so from time immemorial — that it is immanent in the nation itself .
15 Why , it was almost half-past ten , yet there was no Ace , nor any signs that he 'd been downstairs before her .
16 Rostov shook his head , concealing the knowledge that he had been briefly in danger of his life .
17 The latter , a cashier with the company , immediately protested his innocence and said that he had been away on holiday at the time .
18 In later years , Roderick confided that he had been far from happy with the title , for the book certainly was not " elementary " .
19 A brief analysis of Primal Scream 's pop career has also taken place , rounded off by a sure-footed declaration from Craig that ‘ the only respect I have for Bobby Gillespie is that he 's been closer to Kylie Minogue 's fanny than I have . ’
20 To tell him that he has been always in my thoughts .
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