Example sentences of "that [noun pl] should not be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Chris stresses that herbs should not be given to the fish as a substitute for food .
2 But nobody can argue that boxers should not be given the fullest possible information on the long-term risks they run .
3 It also warned against thieves at stations and advised that possessions should not be left near carriage windows .
4 Held , granting the application , that the coroner had wrongly precluded himself from considering whether the cause of death had been aggravated by lack of care ; that where the medical cause of death was accompanied by concurrent events which themselves might be a cause of death , there was a case for considering the death ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 , and an inquest should be held ; that the statutory duty imposed by section 11(5) of the Act of 1988 to investigate how death occurred prevailed in any conflict with the provision in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984 that verdicts should not be framed so as to appear to decide any issue of civil liability ; that it was in the public interest to investigate by means of an inquest whether the deceased 's death might have been avoided had an ambulance been available earlier ; and that , accordingly , the coroner 's decision not to hold an inquest would be quashed and an order of mandamus granted for an inquest to be held ( post , pp. 491E , H , 493C–D , E–F ) .
5 ‘ It shows that investigations should not be based on the gut feeling of a particular officer — it has got to be more professional and CATCHEM is .
6 However , the Bill of Rights 1688 had established the fundamental principle that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament , which necessarily required the return of taxes executed under an unlawful demand as a matter of right .
7 The first is that the retention by the state of taxes unlawfully exacted is particularly obnoxious , because it is one of the most fundamental principles of our law — enshrined in a famous constitutional document , the Bill of Rights 1688 — that taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament ; and full effect can only be given to that principle if the return of taxes exacted under an unlawful demand can be enforced as a matter of right .
8 There is a consensus among the public that cars should not be used to go to work .
9 A proposed directive suggests that manufacturers should not be allowed to refer to helpful recommendations by health bodies ( ‘ The Intestines Inspectorate says fibre is good for you .
10 Separate animal rights organisations now work together in co-ordinated campaigns to persuade teenagers that animals should not be used in research .
11 The argument is that funds should not be diverted to the government sector if they can be put to a more productive use in the private sector .
12 Recognizing the right of Russia 's minorities to self-determination was the essence of repudiating the Tsarist inheritance and affirming democracy and the principle that peoples should not be compelled to co-operate by force .
13 It does not seem to matter if these are mixed together in the one preparation whereas in classical homoeopathy it is held that remedies should not be mixed .
14 If God intended that parents should not be permitted to come between a husband and a wife , then surely football pals or the darts team , the sports club , or any other activity should not be allowed to be an obstacle to this new relationship .
15 It is not a matter of simple sufferance on parents ' evenings , with their lingering conventions that parents should not be encouraged to ask too many questions .
16 I know that everybody involved in the case is conscious that matters should not be left in the air , although the amendment to leave the cost of the .
17 In paragraph 8(d) ( i ) and ( ii ) of his affidavit , the coroner expresses an understandable anxiety that inquests should not be used as a medium for testing out evidence for subsequent civil litigation .
18 As practitioners progress in their careers it becomes increasingly difficult and onerous to remember and record prior experience and achievement in a way which can achieve the type of credit which is often needed ( and is becoming more important in the present climate of belief that individuals should not be required to repeat learning which has already taken place ) .
19 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
20 For example , the Whigs of the Exclusion Crisis , those involved in the Rye House Plot of 1683 , and the Monmouth rebels of 1685 had all demanded annual Parliaments and that Parliaments should not be prorogued , dissolved or discontinued before petitions were first answered and grievances redressed .
21 The writers who have developed the systems approach , however , have been at pains to emphasise that organisations should not be viewed merely as closed systems ; to do this is to adopt a very static picture of how they operate ( Elliott , 1980 ) .
22 It used to be thought that bonds should be included in a definition of the net worth of the private sector , but this has been challenged by R. J. Barro ( 1974 ) , who has argued that bonds should not be regarded as part of the net worth of the private sector since the non-monetary liabilities of the government are a burden on this generation and on future generations .
23 The moral of the Punchline cartoon in NI 174 seems to be that bibles should not be offered to anyone who is short of basic necessities .
24 It rejects the proposal that accountants should not be allowed to report suspicions to senior management before reporting to the appropriate external authorities , and stresses that those that do report externally must be protected from any possible claims of breach of confidentiality .
25 As the hon. Gentleman will know , we believe that frontiers should not be changed , save with the wholehearted consent of all the relevant parties .
26 emphasized that persons should not be given a right to attend eg. the Press , who could state that they were very interested in embalming .
27 One example of such confusion is the doctrine of diminished responsibility : the idea that persons should not be punished for their actions because they were under stress .
28 He said it was important that holidaymakers should not be put off Llandudno .
29 The daily newspaper Kayhan said that pardons should not be extended to " a seasoned spy like Cooper " .
30 In my view , what should happen here is that cats should not be allowed to roam around in places where they could have a dramatic adverse effect on populations of animals , even though it is better for the cat .
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