Example sentences of "that [noun pl] do not [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Treatment with one of the benzimidazoles or levamisole is effective and the condition may be prevented by ensuring that birds do not run on the same ground each year .
2 To say that these factors of context , conjuncture and wider conditionality are ‘ extra-discursive ’ does not mean that discourses do not enter into their determination , only that they involve processes which can not be reduced to this effect .
3 Or is it that inside all organizations there are , continuously , small discoveries to be made in order to improve what is being done — and that schools do not differ from other organizations ?
4 The best thing about A Feminist Dictionary , I think , is its overt acknowledgement that speakers do not agree on what words mean , and that sometimes this is an important matter of political debate .
5 He emphasizes that words do not depend on reality for their meaning .
6 It refers to the fact that subjects do not engage in ideology but are ‘ always already subjects ’ .
7 Obviously , constraints have to be imposed on transactions in emission reduction credits in order to ensure that trades do not contribute to a violation of the air quality standards ( Brady , 1983 ) .
8 The current literature on residential care emphasizes the principle of ‘ regionalization ’ ; that is , on ensuring that target groups in each region are adequately served by the full range of services so that youngsters do not have to be placed away from their home localities .
9 Peter Coney , of the University of Arizona suspects that mountains do not form along the edge of a plate , as traditional plate tectonics would suggest , but within it .
10 A central idea of postmodernism is , therefore , that appearances do not correspond to reality ; reality in the above case being the actual emotions and feelings transmitted and interpreted .
11 It is essential , for instance , that environmental standards for industry are set at a European level so that companies do not compete by seeking out those locations with inadequate environmental protection .
12 But it is difficult to believe that directors do not give at least some consideration to the impact of their decisions on employees in any event , regardless of the section .
13 But the question is , can he both maintain that monads do not reduce to bundles of qualities and continue to adhere to his principle of indiscernibles without being guilty of a serious inconsistency ?
14 At times these adjustments verge on sharp practice enabled by the fact that ingredients do not have to be revealed .
15 To make sure the rules are observed , and that photocopiers do not fall into ‘ undesirable ’ hands , 1,000 inspectors attached to the second section of the ministry 's Chief Directorate for the Maintenance of Public Order have been patrolling the nation .
16 It is not surprising that phrases do not stick in the mind .
17 When Denethor says that stewards do not come to be kings by the lapse of a few centuries in Gondor , but only ‘ in other places of less royalty ’ , the remark is true of Scotland , and of Britain — though not of Anglo-Saxon England , ruled from the legendary past of King Cerdic to 1065 by kings descended in paternal line from one ancestor .
18 It can not be stressed too much , however , that costs do not fall without effort .
19 ‘ — to ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available ; or through an inability to express their needs effectively ; , — to exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services , both locally and nationally .
20 The main recommendation of the report was that credit card companies must drop their requirement that retailers do not discriminate in terms of pricing , against credit card users .
21 The reason why this book has not yet been written is that conscious experience of the presence and life of the Spirit among contemporary Christians is so thin and weak and hampered that conditions do not exist in which anyone can write with full-blooded conviction on the subject .
22 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
23 Rules must thus be developed which indicate that holes do not extend beyond the boundary of the solid , and holes totally enclosed within solids are handled as " voids " or " inclusions " .
24 Argentina and Bolivia have shown that presidents do not have to be dictators to be reformers .
25 Firstly , to explore the idea that procedures do not exist in isolation , the relationships between the internal procedure , the wider system and the environment can be considered ( Fig 13.7 ) .
26 Consequently , it is very important that windows do not go beyond the width of the screen and overwrite the " OZ " window .
27 Upon reflection we realise that teachers do not paint on canvases ; their work is not done in isolation .
28 It thus ensures that wrongdoers do not profit from their wrongdoings , and is justified because if we failed to punish lawbreakers it would be unfair to the law-abiding .
29 Repton himself comments in his Enquiry that ‘ the ‘ antiquated cot ’ , whose chimney is choked with ivy , may perhaps yield a residence for squalid misery and want ’ ; and an awareness develops that cottages do not have to be ruinous to be picturesque .
30 It has also been widely assumed that members do not want to involvement in the policy-making process and that they join the party primarily for personal or social reasons .
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