Example sentences of "that [noun pl] have [vb pp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 HOUSEWIFE Sarah Fox 's dream of making a fortune from soap that FLOATS has disappeared down the plughole .
2 He claimed in an open letter to BA directors that executives had set up a secret ‘ anti-Virgin Atlantic unit ’ to discredit him and his company .
3 But I think those days are now over and anybody who 's been in building societies , there 's now a feeling er that things have altered quite a long way .
4 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
5 Right so at the point we broke off , you were saying about things that things have changed quite a lot .
6 Since you signed it 's been a little bit up and down , some goals conceded , not necessarily down to you , so you must be pleased that things have settled down a bit ?
7 Heffers reported that customers had made absolutely no comment on the matter .
8 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
9 We could n't sense that , a few hundred feet above us up the ridge , David Simpson 's and Jane Lapiner 's house had shaken apart , that rocks had thundered down the cliff face opposite my house , that a mile to the north at the precise moment that we were walking through Jim 's house and I was spreading out the blueprints on the hood of my car to continue our conversation , an overturned electric coffee pot in the Petrolia store had already started a blaze that would finish off the store and our adjoining post office in about 45 minutes .
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