Example sentences of "that [noun prp] have [vb pp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was then that Chuck had carried out a quick examination of the unconscious Grant , to ascertain the extent of his injuries .
2 Although unconfirmed at the time , rumours that DEC had struck up a deal with Auspex Systems Inc , the Santa Clara , California network server company that already counts IBM among its customers , have turned out to be correct ( UX No 384 ) .
3 There are also rumours that DEC has struck up a deal with Auspex , although DEC UK would n't comment .
4 Central to Lydon 's action was the allegation that McLaren had signed away the group 's future record royalties to Virgin in order to finance The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle .
5 At the earlier hearing , Sheriff Reid had heard that Walters had dreamt up the fraud after a Jersey-based financier had failed to come up with cash to back market research for a new board game .
6 Charlie stared up at his mother 's framed photo that Becky had hung on the wall .
7 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
8 Imagine , then , that Mandela had written down the story of his life , and that the manuscript was for sale .
9 She clung to the belief that Friend had sneaked down the wires through Karel 's network and one day he would come to rescue her … .
10 ‘ At least you left Fernando on good terms , ’ he went on as he pulled up in front of the stone steps of the mansion that Ruth had fled down a century ago .
11 She remembered that Aycliffe had brought up the matter of clothes , that Benedict himself had scolded her for her nip-cheese ways .
12 It was claimed that Goebbels had raised up the Führer to be the ‘ German god ’ .
13 Geoff Cooke left him out of the first international squad gathering on the grounds that Skinner had dropped down a division to play with Blackheath and therefore was obviously not too bothered about his international prospects .
14 In the 23 August 1968 issue of It the plug was provided , next to news that Knullar had taken over the It workers ' co-operative .
15 It seemed clear that Gilbert had wiped out the landmarks .
16 He will also be aware that Gwynedd has set up an inquiry into those incidents .
17 The UK distributor has performed the best of all overseas market , so well in fact that Aldus have set up a UK subsidiary .
18 Ace had been amazed that Dubois had shown virtually no reaction to the TARDIS , beyond a comment that it was ‘ almost as strange as the domain of the zombi astral . ’
19 How excellent to see that Sinead has brought out the closet intellectual and spiritual in all of you .
20 Widespread rumours that Llosa had drawn up a withdrawal statement , an eventuality not catered for by the Constitution , were ended on April 16 when he confirmed his candidacy in the second round .
21 ‘ The producers told me later that I got the job because of the winning chemistry between us — and that Pauline had put in a good word for me .
22 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
23 To counteract that Murphy has set up the Edinburgh-based PR Centre .
24 In his speech at the inauguration , Kadhafi said that Libya had carried out the project unaided by developed nations or international financial institutions .
25 Mr Welch quickly acknowledges that GE has put up a sorry performance in having only four women among its 120 top people .
26 But Mancini 's basic point — that Gloucester had set up a fake attack on himself as an excuse to deal with Hastings — seems eminently plausible .
27 But Mancini 's basic point — that Gloucester had set up a fake attack on himself as an excuse to deal with Hastings — seems eminently plausible .
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