Example sentences of "that [noun prp] be [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The pressure to do work against 'cos they knew that Germany were working on the same lines , did n't they , the enormous pressure to get there first .
2 It was claimed that Kylie was placed on a special 1500 calorie a day diet to try to replace the lost weight .
3 All this could be accounted for by the fact that Picasso was working on a very large scale and found it necessary to simplify his technique and adopt a bolder approach .
4 There is no evidence at all that Tom was placed on the Plant Commission to ‘ block change ’ .
5 In 1989 , historians and archaeologists using these new techniques discovered that Stamford was built on the site of an ancient geomantic earthwork representing a running bull .
6 We have heard recently that Trafford is working on the same lines , so we will have to get a move on .
7 The fact that Guatemala in 1954 had ‘ returned from Communism ’ ( and was regarded by the United States as the first country to do so ) increased Soviet reluctance to be perceived to be experiencing another ‘ loss ’ in the area ( even though they did not accept that Castro was embarking on a road towards Communism ) .
8 At the end of 1978 , when he realized the danger that Khomeini was inflicting on the Shah from France , Marenches say he tried to have him expelled from the country .
9 If Belinda had been a more devious soul , she might have thought to suggest that Deana 's harping on the subject of Dr Russell spoke rather strongly of a crush on her side as well , but Belinda was n't devious , so she simply blushed even more and found on the desk in front of her a diabetic patient 's chart that suddenly needed her urgent attention .
10 There was an urgency about United 's forward line yesterday , in the knowledge that Cantona was sitting on the bench .
11 Both are worried that Keith is embarking on the long downhill road to delinquency and even the nursery staff have resorted to clichés to describe his behaviour .
12 While the Danzigers could ignore neither Poland 's claims to historic rights , nor the Versailles arrangements , the fact was that Danzig was sitting on a potential gold-mine .
13 J.C.H.R. Steenstrup pointed out that an account of a northern voyage given to King Alfred , and incorporated into his translation of Orosius ' Histories against the Pagans , mentions Witland as an area east of the Vistula ( now north-east Poland ) , and judged that Cnut was operating on the southern shores of the Baltic .
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