Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Geoffrey Pasvol of the John Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford said : ‘ There was so much there [ in Allison 's paper ] that Ian had said to me in the summer . ’
2 It was this expertise that Stirling intended to harness on his trip to Bouerat .
3 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
4 As gently as she could , Ruth told her that Patrick had taken to his bed many years ago , finishing , ‘ It seems as if he 'll never get any better .
5 It was divided into two parts , her own list of household requirements , and the list that Isabel had given to her , which read :
6 This decided them that more work was needed to verify whether there was indeed fusion , and so they began to plan out a detailed strategy and designed an experiment — ‘ scaling it ’ in the sense that Fleischmann had learned in his days at Imperial College .
7 That 's that Jim Rose Feeling for you
8 The next moment Mrs Bennet arrived and Anne was glad that Sarah had come before her as Mrs Bennet gave a graphic description of the damage in Egremont Street .
9 She was not unaware that Lorimer had warmed to her during her disclosures .
10 Now that Cadfael came to think of it , less than usual had been seen and heard of Jerome for the past few days , ever since the evening when he had been discovered on his bed , quaking and sick with bellyaches and headaches , and been soothed to sleep by Cadfael 's stomachics and syrups .
11 If , until that moment , Cassie had laboured under the misconception that Bella was an ill-educated , ill-bred and mercenary little tart and that Johnny had married beneath him , as she believed the proper expression to be , then the sound of Bella 's voice dispelled any such comforting illusion .
12 Why had she never realised before now that Dana resented looking like her sister ?
13 She could only pray that Dana had come to her senses and had left before they arrived at Garry 's hide-out .
14 Coffin turned over the papers and messages that Jean had left on his own desk .
15 They took it as a snub that Down failed to field at anything approaching full strength and now want to show that they are a match for the real thing .
16 Well , eventually , it was true that Zosie had fallen to him .
17 Well , I did n't know that Ebert had arranged for us to stay in a singsong house .
18 Two hot-water bottles slumped against each other in the crevasse that Nannie had left in her mattress .
19 Three weeks later Lavender had died of puerperal fever , but long before that Legh had come to his senses .
20 Kanemaru reportedly said , however , that he had first learned of the involvement of Inagawa-kai on Dec. 23 , 1987 , whereas Watanabe had already stated that Kanemaru had called on him in September 1987 to ask Ishii to suppress the Nihon Kiminto campaign .
21 The case arose from Beltran 's claim that Aquino had hidden under her bed during a coup attempt .
22 I completed another tour of the mill and cottage , this time with Nigel in tow , trying to sound as objective as I could , as if I , too , saw mere possibilities , but as our tour progressed I could see that Nigel had warmed to it almost as much as I. He pointed out some ‘ interesting features ’ that I had missed , such as some of the wooden working parts of the mill machinery set high in the plastered walls , and told me what they had originally been used for .
23 Hearts ' bad day was made worse with the news that Celtic had moved past them into second place in the Premier Division after beating Falkirk 3–1 .
24 But in doing so I 'd be telling her that I knew that it had happened and therefore that Simon had talked to me .
25 The story was confirmation of all that Eva had learnt from her parents .
26 Amiss took out of his pocket the hip-flask that Pooley had thrust upon him as he left .
27 It 's a second for Gary , it 's a fourth for Notts and er the little bit of tension that Notts had created for themselves as they went off the boil and came really into the game with their two goals from first of all and then from from the free kick , but 's goal in the last minute here making it four two and really capping a most entertaining night for Notts .
28 He feared that Robinson had seen through him and played with him .
29 In a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Feb. 12 , Menem claimed that Argentina had left behind its Third-World status and non-aligned past [ for Argentina 's September 1991 exit from the Non-Aligned Movement see pp. 38458-59 ] , and he appealed to the European Communities ( EC ) not to become isolationist as they pursued economic and political union .
30 I was shown the furniture that Tom had made for his marital home — all of the drawers with dovetails , sliding in and out without effort .
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