Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 She foretold the invasion and defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 ; and Samuel Pepys ' Diary grimly records that Mother Shipton gave forewarning of the Great Fire of London in 1666 .
2 But the prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy , pointed out that Mr Rocard had spoken of continuing to renovate the Socialists within a wider perspective .
3 She had heard from Mrs Crick that Mr Clare had spoken of marrying a country girl to help him farm , milk cows and reap corn .
4 I thought about the chips that Mrs Phipps had spoken of and remembered that I had nearly choked on them once .
5 At a previous hearing into Mrs Ormerod 's death , pathologist Ian McDicken confirmed that Mrs Ormerod had died of pneumonia caused by Legionnaire 's disease .
6 Opening the case , Mr Griffith-Williams said that a post mortem examination showed that Mrs McMullen had died of asphyxia due to blows to the nose and mouth and the introduction of soil and vegetation into her mouth , some of which she had swallowed .
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