Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [be] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He turned eyes hard with disgust on Dana , and Claudia was n't at all surprised when her sister mumbled that Garry was waiting for her in a café in the main street .
2 Rory realised quickly that Jessica was playing with him , and enjoyed the game immensely .
3 Foggerty , curious , asked Sam whether it was true that Nutty was continuing with her captaincy of a tetrathlon team : ‘ That fellow called with those pistols and told the head he 'd come to train them or something .
4 He was conscious of the fact that Madeleine was toying with her food and looking increasingly bored .
5 collective security During the four years that Nizan was writing in his capacity as foreign-affairs correspondent for L'Humanite ( 1935–7 ) and Ce Soir ( 1937–9 ) , he ceaselessly and fearlessly articulated a coherent antifascist diplomatic strategy based on the principle of collective security .
6 Shortly after she arrived , it was reported that she had accepted President Corazon Aquino " s condition that Marcos be buried in his home province of Ilocos Norte , rather than in the capital , Manila .
7 David Fishlock , science editor of the Financial Times , told me that the FT ‘ took it seriously ’ because of being told that Harwell was looking into it .
8 Is the Minister aware that Sheffield is plunging into its deepest recession since the war , that according to new research by the city council 's department of employment the true figure for unemployment is 17 per cent .
9 The Soviets fed some disinformation back to us about the meetings with ‘ Nikolai ’ , hinting that Mills was working for them and using the meetings to pass information across . ’
10 Then she all at once became aware that Ven was looking at her seriously , all mockery , however gentle , gone , and suddenly she was feeling quite breathless , and discovering that she needed to say something , and quite urgently , to get her over that breathless feeling .
11 Largely through Gould 's influence , it has recently become fashionable to say that Goldschmidt was underrated in his own lifetime , and that he really has much to teach us .
12 Almost as though she knew that Matey was thinking about her , McAllister looked up and said , ‘ I would never have thought that I would enjoy knitting so much , and the ladies ’ sewing circle , too . ’
13 ‘ It is fortunate , ’ wrote the critic in the school 's magazine , ‘ that Richard was born into our Royal Family , because if he led a revolution it would probably be very successful . ’
14 Naturally he would assume that Richard was staying with her for the weekend .
15 It seems that Didi was planning on it being hers . ’
16 It may have been now that Ermold was returned to his beloved Aquitaine , and favour at Pippin 's court .
17 But most of these can be regarded as experimental works designed to clarify the problems that Picasso was facing in his painting .
18 There was no reason why she should know that Veronica was separated from her husband .
19 The two narrative modes walk side by side in bold yet relaxed society , and support each other in the face of the fact that Raskolnikov is shaking in his shoes .
20 The ‘ D ’ text of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says under 1057 that Canute [ q.v. ] banished him to Hungary to betray him , that he prospered there , married Agatha , a relative of the emperor , and begot a noble family ; under 1067 , that Agatha was related through her mother to an Emperor Henry .
21 On 2 February 1654 the council of state of the Protectorate recommended that Mackworth be added to its number .
22 I more or less demanded that Nigel be referred to her .
23 Suddenly shots rang out and I realized with fright that Janotte was shooting at us .
24 She averted her gaze and saw that Giles was looking at her in concern .
25 She eased the sharpness from her voice , aware that Fred was looking at her in surprise .
26 It took a long time because Louise kept interrupting with questions that Constance could n't answer and which seemed irrelevant beside the tremendous fact that Ludovico was waiting for her and she longed to run to him .
27 He looked at Elaine , and found that Elaine was looking at him .
28 Recalling that Freeborn was recovering from nothing more serious than a successful operation for varicose veins , he approached the bed and said tentatively :
29 She entered the room after a gentle knock , and saw that Faye was lying on her back in the large , luxurious bed , her shoulders raised on pillows and her fingers massaging her abdomen tentatively .
30 Now " Cocky " did not tell me what his list was intended for , I had assumed that Gibson was referring to his own unit , No 106 Squadron .
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