Example sentences of "that [art] [adj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But the reader is mistaken if he assumes that the humble eat below the salt in that great hall , or that the poor come to the buttery-hatch for alms .
2 The equivalent of larval stages are completed within an egg capsule so that the young emerge at the crawling stage when they are easily visible to the naked eye and can be fed in captivity .
3 However , it will be noted that the above depends upon the propensity to save and not the propensity to unproductive consumption .
4 I wrote to the Sunday Correspondent criticising a claim in their first issue that the recent flattening in the rise of the monthly AIDS figures is due to the Government 's propaganda campaign of 1986 .
5 It followed , too , from the assumptions that the British made about the Masai 's conservatism , it appearing self-evident to them that because the Masai were so conspicuously uninterested in Western civilization they were in all respects content with the status quo ; so closely were Westernization and agitation linked in the administrative mind .
6 Walsingham wrote that the English broke off the siege of Quimperlê and returned home sadly and slowly , and rumours of treachery and corruption soon began to circulate .
7 ‘ I want to want ’ , the underground man 's lonely cry , is also his though he does n't utter it , and biting the governor 's car , like sticking the tongue out , is a one-against-all drumming of the heels of consciousness — but again with a difference which is that the biting extends beyond the notional ; it happens and it hurts , though it 's a minor foray compared with Raskolnikov 's spectacular eruption into actuality with the murder .
8 But the reader is mistaken if he assumes that the humble eat below the salt in that great hall , or that the poor come to the buttery-hatch for alms .
9 Check that no swelling occurs in the navel and that the end remains dry and there is no discharges present .
10 From this brief résumé of the sources available to social researchers it should now be very clear that a vague wander through the bookshelves of the library is inefficient and time-wasting .
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