Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [modal v] be given to " in BNC.

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1 As I said to the hon. Member for Clydebank and Milngavie ( Mr. Worthington ) , I propose that guidance will be given to the boards on the exercise of that power .
2 It has been suggested that guidance should be given to the profession relating to receipts which are being issued for redemption money on the redemption of feuduties in terms of Section 4 of the Land Tenure Reform ( Scotland ) Act , 1974 , the section which provided for voluntary redemption of feuduties at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas .
3 How can my hon. Friend argue that compensation should be given to haemophiliacs because , sadly , they suffered a congenital disease and that a sick person who required a blood transfusion was in a different category ?
4 To my mind , it represents a change of use so significant that compensation should be given to those who suffer injury as a result .
5 Instead of a tax Cefic has suggested that help should be given to eastern Europe to help reduce energy consumption .
6 Although the risk reduction is low , we believe that polychemotherapy should be given to patients with non-resectable NSCLC .
7 On June 12 Bufi told the People 's Assembly that priority would be given to restoring supplies of food and industrial goods ; privatization would be speeded up and public expenditure cut ; international financial aid would be sought ; legislation would provide social assistance for those made unemployed by economic restructuring ; the health service would be privatized and the depoliticization of education and of the military would be encouraged .
8 The Americans believed that priority should be given to the restructuring of the European economies in the long term whereas the British were preoccupied with what they argued was a short-term dollar crisis .
9 ‘ We hope that birth will be given to a document which will allow the coordinated action of European countries against the undesirable effects of increasing illegal migration which worry us all , ’ Mr Boross said .
10 ‘ We hope that birth will be given to a document which will allow the coordinated action of European countries against the undesirable effects of increasing illegal migration which worry us all , ’ Boross said before the meeting went into closed session .
11 As a member of the Select Committee on Sittings of the House , I give nothing away — because it has been said in public session — when I say that consideration must be given to the views of the Lord President and the shadow Leader of the House about the timetabling of legislation , following some of the thinking on the subject of the Select Committee on Procedure .
12 Normanton ( 1971 , p. 325 ) suggests that consideration should be given to the expedient adopted by France , in 1948 , when the Commission des Enterprises Publiques was established .
13 We think that consideration should be given to three changes in the procedures of the High Court .
14 During the pilot phase of the Advanced Courses Development Programme suggestions were received from a number of individuals and organisations that consideration should be given to the introduction of a new type of group award within SCOTVEC 's portfolio of advanced courses .
15 He and I think that consideration should be given to allowing Committees to bring people before them to give evidence on a Bill during its passage through Parliament .
16 Jeffrey et al have suggested that doxapram should be given to all patients who are acidotic and hypercapnic , although Ahmed et al found a poor outcome in 5 patients treated with doxapram in a controlled study comparing doxapram with NIPPV .
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