Example sentences of "that [pron] will [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 've just been told that I will receive a grant from the Education and Library Board , which will be used to support my children and pay part of the course costs , ’ explained Nikki .
2 ‘ I give you my word , ’ she said intensely , ‘ that I will find a man who can save Swift for us all , and then I 'll marry him . ’
3 It is a constant risk for someone like her who is always in the public eye , that someone will develop a fixation on her , ’ the colleague said .
4 ‘ The difference , if any , will be that she will tell a story which has been revised and edited by Tate . ’
5 Mary obviously understands the message of the angel to mean that she will conceive a child immediately , for she points out that she is unmarried .
6 Sarah overhears her husband being told that she will have a son in the spring .
7 With the help of outplacement consultants and Chartac ( phone : 071–628 7060 ) , which runs regular seminars and one to one discussions , Tanya is optimistic that she will find a job in a medium-sized company in commerce and industry , as number two or three to the financial director .
8 Because your school will have a lot of contacts in industry , it is likely that you will meet a lot of adults from working places in different situations who will help to make your learning more interesting .
9 We all know that there is some disturbance outside — you have already said that you will make a statement on that — but it is unusual for the doors not to be locked by this stage in a Division .
10 Remember if you are on an income related benefit it is likely that you will receive a grant for all the ‘ reasonable ’ costs .
11 If the contract makes it clear that you will receive a bonus , without specifying a fixed sum , your entitlement is probably to a figure that is reasonable , taking into account sums received in previous years .
12 ‘ I do not think , ’ he said with some conviction , ‘ that you will find a company prepared to take the risk . ’
13 You can be sure that you will find a solution of Laplace 's equation satisfying the boundary conditions , but you will have to find out which problem you have obtained the solution of .
14 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
15 And it may be , for example , that you will have a school that has a very high erm high number of children perhaps who are particularly motivated towards computer studies .
16 The leaves will need to be clear of the soil surface , which means that you will have a row of cuttings protruding some 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) .
17 I chose the filename PENGUIN because it 's unlikely that you will have a file of that name on your hard disk .
18 When you warn your child that you will withdraw a privilege if he or she does X , Y or Z , make sure it is a threat that you can deliver .
19 My hope is that you will become a supporter of UNICEF and that , together , we can give them what they so desperately need : a passport to health for their children .
20 Most lay clients assume that you will get a report from their GP , although this is not usually necessary or desirable .
21 ‘ Give an inch and that one will take a mile . ’
22 It 's after the consultation has taken place that we will make a decision , and we will be listening during that consultation to what all the people of Chipping Norton say .
23 ‘ I have written to the chairmen of all the big banks to tell them that we will run a campaign to urge all students to boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme .
24 For instance it is unlikely that we will cross a road safely if we are not mildly anxious .
25 That 's how serious we are and although Mr er has to give his little laugh but I hope that he is just as much serious er particularly now that the political realities are that we will have a way forward , of not only supporting the delivery and management of community education services in that particular area but a clear focus has now been given , hopefully after this amendment er has been carried to the education authority .
26 We have never gone beyond the statement that we will have a maximum of 128 warheads per submarine .
27 ‘ Now that the Conservatives have got in it is more than likely that we will get a base rate cut and so all investment rates will fall . ’
28 They say Wednesday erm activity at Latton Bush , thanks for sending that information , I 've sent off the letter and said that we will take a stall and if anyone 's free to help
29 Acts undertaken for another purpose and not in order to consent can constitute consent if undertaken in the belief that they will confer a right or impose a duty and if the fact that they are undertaken with such a belief is the reason for them having this result .
30 This is supposed to mean that they will travel a lot the following year .
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