Example sentences of "that [pron] would [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not that I would have been able to do much anyway , that thing 's a death trap !
2 ‘ You might think that I would have been happy to go on improving my golf handicap , ’ he said .
3 Had she been expecting any apology , though , Fabia realised then that she would have been disappointed for , ‘ Hrm , ’ was all he grunted , and , handing the letter back , he scrutinised her with a hard look , and Fabia had the feeling that he thought that she was the one in the wrong !
4 To herself she had to admit that she would have been willing to go further than talk .
5 She was so devoted to the principle that beauty is a frivolity and a sign of sin that she would have been ashamed to have it in the house .
6 But she thought that she would have been glad of someone to talk about her new plans with , all the same .
7 Sometimes she had the oddest feeling that she would have been able to confide in Paul , to pour out to him the whole bloody silly story without causing him to bat so much as an eyelid .
8 You might also be consistently failing to hear other sounds that you would have been able to hear ( and produce too ) had you approached the problem methodically by means of the workchart .
9 A jolly little incident in Kwiksave that you would have been amused at dear .
10 However , though , there were many areas that we would have been happy to listen to proposals about .
11 Robertson 's drive over the bar and Klinsmann 's shot , astutely blocked by Walker , ensured that there would have been adolescent opposition to the idea of an early exit while there was so much to appreciate .
12 But John-William had bought so much land at Far Flatley from Colonel Covington-Pym , a whole bank of his river and several fields beyond that there would have been ample room to build Gemma and Tristan a dear little nest .
13 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
14 Aung San and his supporters were demanding full independence , but I happened to know that they would have been content , possibly even pleased , to be granted Dominion status .
15 Previously , my close relationships would have been with people where we would perhaps be living together or just lovers , but they would have been quite explicit that they would have been non-monogamous .
16 Even if intellectuals outside the government had been agreed on the way forward , it is unlikely that they would have been successful in generating widespread enthusiasm for their opinions .
17 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
18 Applications must be made to a circuit judge , who can issue the warrant by virtue of section 9 and Schedule 1 if he is satisfied that it would have been appropriate to issue a warrant prior to the Act .
19 What is denied by the defendant and what is the issue of trial is that they deny that they were ever instructed by Mr er to save such a measure or that it would have been appropriate to serve them or that at any stage Mr ever asked to be advised on any way open to him to get out of the contract er as alleged .
20 By now the fog had lifted , but it was so dark that it would have been futile to return to the scene of the mysterious train to discover for themselves any clues as to its reality or otherwise .
21 You might think that it would have been easy enough to reconstruct the evolutionary pathway , but it was n't .
22 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
23 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
24 ‘ Oh , of course — the meeting to discuss the Christmas bazaar , ’ said Ianthe , remembering now that it would have been impossible for her to have had the quiet evening she had planned .
25 That is the objection er the whole fundamental objection to what is proposed in the Bill as it is a centralising measure was shown quite clearly er er a a by the desire of the Home Secretary to increase his own power as when he intended to appoint the Chairman absolute impudence in my view er to suggest tha that he he should have had the power to appoint a chairman and although congratulations have now been er er poured upon him for withdrawing to wh what 's a position , I would sooner congratulate your er Your Lordships , er all of whom spoke in such a manner that it would have been impossible for the Home Secretary to have carried the measure through .
26 It is extremely difficult to tame and its shyness , combined with its great ferocity when cornered , suggests that it would have been troublesome for early man to domesticate .
27 Erm but I I would have thought that it would have been necessary to examine that sector against all the others before reaching any conclusion as to whether or not i it could be more successfully assimilated into the landscape of that sector as opposed to anywhere else .
28 The deed was to him so monstrous , so surprising , that it would have been intolerable not to have shared it with a living soul .
29 The teacher found that four could read Messrs Nelson 's Shilling Book , six the Sixpenny Book , and ten only the Threepenny Book " With the " board schools " in their infancy , it was by no means clear that it would have been possible to recruit many girls of working-class origin into the trade in the early 1870s .
30 It 's just that it would have been nice to have seen the signs , ’ said Caspar , rolling the maps up and packing them in his saddle bag .
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