Example sentences of "that [pron] were [adj] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I thought , Jimmy , that you were supposed to be lurking and eavesdropping ? ’
2 What we were told about that your criminal record is that you had convictions for armed robbery and aggravated assault , is that out of the record that you were aware of is that correct ?
3 The real reason you tugged your forelock to Capron was that you were afraid of being kicked out ? ’
4 How we managed without all these aids — in fact by merely buying a coffin and getting on with it — I ca n't imagine , but I know that we were lucky to be living in the UK and not the US , where the open coffin , or at least one quarter open at the head end , is de rigueur .
5 We made it absolutely clear to Mr. Millan and the Commission that we were prepared to be flexible and to listen to any representations .
6 ‘ I thought , ’ said Robert , grimly , ‘ that we were supposed to be Muslims . ’
7 But we need to get our moral thinking clear on this matter all the more because in the first stages of unbridled conflict both sides seem to be suggesting that there really was no moral problem at all because the principle that they were obsessed with was the only one that mattered .
8 It was decreed that they were all to be suspended from their duties : commissioners were to hear complaints against them , and those found guilty were to be permanently removed from office .
9 I could only attribute my captors ' sudden change of attitude to the fact that they were pleased to be getting rid of me .
10 Whether or not the Palace actually arranged for the drawing to be removed , there can be little doubt that they were delighted to be rid of it . …
11 Initially the Australians showed that they were unprepared to be manipulated by quietly but firmly refusing to commit themselves to the ANC 's extra-curricular initiatives for a Boipatong visit and the wearing of black armbands during matches .
12 Descartes believed firmly that universals were formed in the mind and that ideas possessed ‘ objective ’ and ‘ formal ’ reality ; that is , that it was an irreducible feature of ideas that they were able to be about a class of objects .
13 Some of the awkwardness in Anglo-American relations had been dispelled by a combination of circumstances ; James Byrnes had been replaced as US Secretary of State by the anglophile General George Marshall ; Britain , for her part , had supported the launch of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe ; and the Americans were beginning to appreciate that they were unlikely to be able to tame the malign hostility of the Soviet Union as Roosevelt had once hoped .
14 Although one of the children suffered from tuberculosis , the corporation housing department had told them that they were unlikely to be housed .
15 The indentured labourers hoped to be able to set up as independent farmers once they had worked off the costs of their passages , but the islands soon became so crowded that they were unlikely to be able to do this .
16 Those who joined knew full well that they were liable to be dropped behind enemy lines .
17 But the hatred they aroused meant that they were liable to be brutally slaughtered if captured afterwards .
18 The New York Times of Nov. 19 reported that the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps had recently issued a new ruling requiring all its graduates to sign an affidavit saying that they were liable to be discharged and forced to pay back their scholarship if they were discovered to be homosexual .
19 One government , anxious to steam-roller its programme through , scheduled five such Bills in a single motion , for no better reason than that they were likely to be vigorously opposed .
20 Painters had to accept that they were likely to be ignored , shunned , set on by dogs like tramps , under suspicion like wandering lunatics and criminals .
21 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
22 Obviously most firms would readily sacrifice some profit if it meant that they were likely to be in business for some time .
23 Drawn up by a UN team and representatives of the Kenyan government , the report found that tens of people were dying each week in camps set up for the refugees in the remote border region of Kenya and described it as " appalling and embarrassing " that they were supposed to be under the care of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees .
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