Example sentences of "that [pron] had not been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh she probably heard that I had not been well
2 This was a very great help to me , because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before .
3 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
4 She bows her head , disappointed that she had n't been able to do more for herself .
5 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
6 But how sad that she had not been able to say that to the one person who really longed to hear it .
7 She explained that she had not been able to bring herself to discuss things with them , although she had managed to speak to her married brother , who had been very supportive and helpful .
8 She was bitterly sad that she had not been able to see her aunt before she died .
9 Robbie drew breath to vindicate herself , to tell him that she had not been unfaithful , that so far as she was concerned Hugh had ceased to exist .
10 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
11 The three opponents still refusing to sign on the grounds that there had not been adequate consultation , and two more being absent , the Mayor rode off on his horse and collected a signature from one of the absentees .
12 erm but , but certainly the , the er er the period has given the Communist Party er quite a large number of trained cadres which will be able to go out into the villages in a way that they had n't been able to in because it would , that was all too soon .
13 The reason for the decision was that the burden of proof lay on the defendants to prove that they had not been negligent and they had failed to discharge this burden .
14 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
15 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
16 In the first annual report of the medical superintendent it was reported that it had not been necessary to use the padded cell on any occasion , despite the fact that many patients had been admitted handcuffed , leg iron locked or bound with cords and chains .
17 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
18 Proceedings in a Dutch court were begun by a document transmitted under the Hague Convention to a local court in Germany which certified under Article 6 that it had not been possible to serve the document .
19 One of the authors , John Perry , director of the Institute of Housing , said yesterday that it had not been possible to calculate a Scottish figure because of differences in the financial systems .
20 This account of the treaty may , as Florence claims , have been a lie , but it , or something like it , could well have been what Cnut preferred people to believe , for he may have been aware that it had not been unusual within the West Saxon dynasty for brother to follow brother : it was the succession of King Æthelwulf 's sons in turn which brought Alfred to the throne in 871 , despite the fact that his brother Æthelred I had male issue .
21 The JAC in Leeds admitted that it had not been able to counter the numbers going into dead-end jobs , and a similar admission was made by the Plymouth authorities .
22 Misys Plc , which said in January that it was in talks that could lead to it acquiring Burns Anderson Independent Network Plc ( CI No 2,081 ) , said yesterday that it had not been able to agree terms for the acquisition and that negotiations had therefore been terminated .
23 On leaving , he said that his only regret , was that he had n't been able to get round to everyone and say goodbye .
24 His backsliding into sloth had happened so slowly that he had n't been aware of it .
25 Libby began to feel that he had not been real , but the tent was there , a packet of cigarettes on the rolled mattress , and the smell of smoke filled the airless canvas space , scents of sweat and soap , adult tainting .
26 The witness said that he had not been present at the meeting and had agreed that what was said then would not be recorded .
27 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
28 The minister 's one regret was that he had not been able to implement his scheme in full .
29 He sat back , studying the two men for a time , unhappy that he had not been privy to their conversations before and after this important meeting .
30 He soon found , though , that he had not been eligible to join , having refused to join the top civil servants ' trade union which was then attempting to block a Foreign Office shake-up .
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