Example sentences of "that [pron] was [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 One of the results of this was that I was often to be found across the road at the Edwards ' place .
2 Spoke my name and told me that I was about to be released .
3 When we learned that she was not to be charged , the detective inspector carrying out the investigation told us : ‘ It 's the first I 've heard of it . ’
4 If she had n't resisted he would no doubt have made sure Peter knew at once that she was n't to be trusted !
5 She jumped to her feet , screaming in terror , certain that she was about to be trampled on .
6 He was frighteningly close , and Robbie , certain for a terrifying instant that she was about to be attacked , was trembling violently .
7 They made it a rule that she was never to be alone .
8 It is also possible to feel , and to be told in London , that there was more to be said about the mad love than he allowed himself , or was in a position , to come up with .
9 Now I knew that it was n't to be said .
10 Then , ‘ Shall we have coffee first before we have a look around ? ’ he suggested , and Fabia immediately felt warm towards him that it was n't to be a ‘ straight in and out ’ trip .
11 After waiting around for some considerable time to see if there was any chance that Elector Carl Theodor would offer him even a temporary appointment , Mozart was informed that it was not to be .
12 In the course of his opinion in Maitland , the Lord President ( Clyde ) observed that the nobile officium should be exercised where a formal step had been per incuriam , omitted , and unnecessary delay and expenditure would result if the whole procedure had to be carried out again ; but that it was not to be used as a cloak for incompetence to extend a statutory remedy to a party who had not been given such a remedy , or , by consent of parties , to supplement statutory procedure by what would be an amendment of a statute .
13 In the case of Archer-Shee , which is said to have established that such income is income of the beneficiary , it appears to have been conceded by the Revenue that it was not to be so treated as regards liability for Income Tax .
14 When he rang Eleanor he would explain that it was only to be a simple snack .
15 The Mirror has been beset in recent weeks with rumours and reports that it was about to be taken over .
16 Frank 's door was closed when he got back and there was a notice on it saying that he was not to be disturbed .
17 Charles realised with a jolt that he was not to be given a room in the château .
18 He could hardly believe that she was letting him go , that he was not to be punished for what he had witnessed in the best room in the middle of the night .
19 Still painfully relieved that he was not to be made an unwanted orphan and bundled off to a Home , Frankie left the room without a word .
20 So Asshe had given instructions that he was not to be let in .
21 There was , of course , now a great deal more interest in Eliot than in the play , but he had stipulated in advance that he was not to be subjected to any form of publicity : no press conferences , no interviews , no speeches ; as a result , he was much more relaxed at the first night and was even able to laugh at his own jokes .
22 This sensitive , intelligent and finely-made man sometimes allowed her to sit in his room while he practised the piano , on the understanding that he was not to be disturbed .
23 Patrick had made it a rule that he was never to be disturbed in the mornings , but that she might bring him urgent interruptions in the afternoon .
24 But he wanted to make it clear that he was there to be called on in an emergency .
25 The drummer claims he had no idea that he was about to be sacked and was shocked to hear the news .
26 When Christopher Steffen , reportedly a slash and burn merchant when it comes to cutting costs and staff , quit Eastman Kodak Co on Wednesday after just seven weeks in the job of chief financial officer of Eastman Kodak Co , saying that the team was agreed on the objectives , but had irreconcilable differences on how to get from here to there , IBM Corp shares jumped for joy in anticipation that he was about to be named finance chief — but the joy subsided and so did the share price , off 87.5 cents at $49 when nothing happened yesterday ; word out of IBM is that there is an appointment already to be announced , but unless the fact that Steffen is now at a loose end causes a last-minute re-think , he is not the man that IBM has in mind .
27 The best evidence that the victim — the person towards whom the threats , abuses or insults were directed — did believe that he was about to be subjected to immediate violence would come from the mouth of the victim himself , but it is not necessary to produce a bystander as a witness in court to prove the point ; it can be a matter for inference from the narrative of events presented to the court .
28 He had seemed thrown for a moment , as though it had genuinely slipped his mind that he was about to be married .
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