Example sentences of "that [pron] could [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At this stage , one member of staff understood to record everything said on a flipchart , so that everyone could check its accuracy .
2 A buoyant Mr Clarke told reporters that no-one could doubt his commitment , and that of the leader John Smith , to the establishment of a Scottish parliament .
3 I was never really good at pretending that I could assume my client to be innocent because I or my instructing solicitor had been careful to ensure that he did n't actually confess .
4 And how it fits into your life , I have the feeling that er if I could fix it so that I could do it sort of in the house , by the way , I could , I could do certain things and I could stick to them , and I would see that I 'd do them .
5 I thought that I could make my contribution by joining the Trade Union movement , and improve things from there . ’
6 He was quite determined that I was going to try and escape , and followed so close behind me on the railway stations that I could smell his breath .
7 I could not get over the fact that people were giving me the responsibility of telling them how to get me up , and that I could choose what time I went to bed !
8 I even brought her here so that I could see your reaction to her , see if that spark of jealousy you 'd once felt towards her was still there . ’
9 ‘ I knew that there was always the danger that I could lose my sight , but I really thought it only happened later in life , ’ says Philippa .
10 ‘ I had to come to terms with the fact that I could lose my baby at any time to a foster mother .
11 At around midnight , the chairman used my pregnancy — I was huge by then — as an excuse to break up the meeting : he said that even if no one else was tired , he thought we ought to disperse so that I could get my rest !
12 During this time , the King of Lilliput had written to ask the King of Blefuscu to send me back , as a prisoner , so that I could receive my punishment .
13 Lord Northcliffe once wrote , God made people read so that I could fill their brain with facts and later tell them whom to love and whom to hate and what to think .
14 To know that somebody could read your mind , or move an object without touching it , seems unbelievable .
15 His first ministry was brief , but when his government was defeated it was clear that nobody could take his place : for three months George II had to run the administration without any parliamentary ministers — an operation that was not as impossible as it would have been seventy years later , though not nearly as normal as it would have been seventy years earlier .
16 She dreaded the onset of winter , and on waking this morning she had thought that she could smell its breath in the air .
17 In the early hours , she left with her husband Guy to drive back to Lourmarin so that she could open her restaurant in the morning .
18 She felt nauseous , and , terrified she might be sick , she pushed away his hand so that she could hold her head up .
19 However , in the context of the fragile family economy of the very poor in the years before World War I , it should be remembered that if a wife earned only 1/6d a week it meant that she could feed her family for two days .
20 They took her in their arms and lifted her gently so that she could feel their support along the length of her body .
21 A shudder ran through him at the touch of her fingers and he drew her closer , crushing her against the powerful length of his body so that she could feel his heart thundering against her breast .
22 They stood clasped together for a long time , then he bent his head and kissed her , softly at first , then with such increasing passion that she could feel his heart beating like a drum .
23 He still seemed so real , so close that she could feel his disapproval , and somehow she felt he was using will-power from a long way off .
24 For a long moment after the door had closed , Craig and Hari remained motionless , so close together that she could feel his breath against her cheek .
25 And then , his right hand , rising to undo the buttons of her high-collared black dress , his other arm unconsciously straining her to him , closer and closer so that she could feel his arousal brought on a memory so dreadful to McAllister , a memory which she had fought against for months — and fear suddenly won the battle .
26 Further back , Judi had envied Anne her college boyfriend , had always tried to impress and amuse the older girl , had briefly tried to copy her clothes and food preferences , had longed to be asked to share her toys so that she could express her devotion through generosity .
27 She was confident that she could make her mark on the Rummidge Department in three years .
28 That she could use her tenderness as skill
29 She broke off , and could see from his arrogant aggressive stance that she could deny his accusation until she was blue in the face but he was not going to believe her .
30 Aquino also stated that Marcos remained banned from the country on " national interest and security grounds " , despite her frequently stated desire to return so that she could bury her husband 's body in his native soil .
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