Example sentences of "that [pron] can [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But such is the new-found and disturbing power of punk that nothing can stop the disc 's runaway success , ’ ranted the Sunday Mirror .
2 There must be no ‘ sacred cows ’ an I hope all of you will assist and will recognise that everyone can make a contribution .
3 It is , however , essential that everyone can see the demonstration and hear what is being said .
4 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
5 I just feel sometimes that I can throw a rock into a pool , and watch the ripples create a certain amount of discussion . ’
6 These people never realize that I can stand a row better than any of them , he thought .
7 ‘ I sometimes think you only invite me so that I can pay the bill . ’
8 I like to know that I can paint a hand or fingernail in great detail , almost photographically in contrast to areas of detail .
9 Yes , thought Dyson , at that I can feel a pricking behind the lids of my eyes !
10 What I like is that I can feel the movement and it all gets transmitted to the fingers .
11 ‘ At least I proved to myself that I can do the business . ’
12 But we hope so , but I do n't I 'm not facetious enough to think that I can change a personality in a person , but what we 're trying to do is make him feel a loving and a commitment , that we are providing him with the best we can .
13 By this I do n't mean that I can cure the patient , but that I can cope with the situation .
14 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
15 It is only with the help of adult hindsight and historical analysis that I can detect a period charged with political tension , of doomed innocence in waiting .
16 Nisodemus said unto them , Do you doubt that I can stop the power of Order ? ii .
17 And if people mention obstructions I 'll make sure I find out exactly what they mean so that I can identify the threshold of the runway correctly .
18 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
19 It is strange that I can find no reference to these beans in Peggy Earl 's " Tales of Islay " because it was she who told me that they were sometimes called " fairy eggs " and that some of the more wealthy people had them set in silver mounts to wear round their necks .
20 In summer it is not so dense but that I can find the blackbird wherever it sings among its branches and not in Winter so agile but that its changing patterns are conspicuous against the sky , its sound an appreciable susurration using the harp strings of the wind .
21 Could you tell me so that I can find the statement .
22 I tell them I am making a good living , that I can support a child , that I want a baby more than anything , but they refuse . ’
23 The Lea & Perrins box this time , where Serafin sat , so that I can keep an eye on Summerchild .
24 You ca n't go wrong , because I 'm so used to doing these operations that I can keep an eye on the cat 's breathing at the same time . ’
25 First , I would like you to drive me to Taunton , so that I can catch a train back to London , in order to be at the Variety Theatre this evening for — among other things — a performance of The Hooded Owl . ’
26 I hope that I can catch the attention of the Secretary of State .
27 I ca n't follow every step of the action , but the flat is so small that I can hear the whole voiceover , even with the water running .
28 It 's not often that I can say a piece of equipment is inspiring , but reviewing the A2 actually got me coming up with some ideas that I just had to get on tape .
29 So that I can say the fire 's burning .
30 I hope that I can approach the issue as a fighter for my constituents ' interests while at the same time recognising the broader issues .
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