Example sentences of "that [pron] have not [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Four hours later police broke in after being alerted by Sian 's husband Andrew — worried that she had not returned to their home in nearby Pontypool .
2 Is there anything which your intended should know that you have not revealed to this point ?
3 And finally can I reemphasise that we have not come to any conclusion as to which road we shall go down on this one .
4 Er and I again I have to say that we have not come to any conclusions about the new settlement , but certainly if there is to be a new settlement , then generally people would like more certainty .
5 The firms will be liable for poor work and other breaches of professional standards and requirements , unless they can prove that they had not contributed to the misconduct which was wholly attributable to some other individual ( including partners , employees or non-members ) .
6 By the end of the day , many of them said that they had not talked to so many people since the last Newbury Rally !
7 Three months after buying and taking delivery of a car , the purchaser discovered that it had not belonged to the seller and still belonged to its original owner .
8 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
9 The surprised way he had looked at her when she said it suggested that it had not occurred to him before .
10 The underlying attitude is perhaps that most people accept mentally handicapped people and are sympathetic towards them , but remain inwardly glad that it has not happened to them or to their children — ‘ there but for the grace of God , go I. ’ They also continue to believe the many myths surrounding the handicapped which have been passed on for decades .
11 By looking at him now you could sense that future , and his eyes reminded you that he had not asked to be born .
12 One could hardly assume that he had not gone to church out of piety and because it was Ash Wednesday , Ianthe thought , but it was rather puzzling and disturbing to think that she could n't even attend to her devotions in peace .
13 Inside FI , it was known that Emerson could have gone on driving for a major team and many thought it a pity that he had not stuck to doing what he knew best .
14 The introduction of the new block grant system for local authorities under the Local Government , Planning and Land Act 1980 resulted in one hiccough for the minister when the Divisional Court held that he had not listened to further representations when he should have done .
15 He was glad that Richard his brother was still with him — that he had not returned to the capital ere the calamitous news had arrived .
16 I 'm sure that he has not said to you that you can do work other than your religious studies at the moment , so that 's what you should be doing but you say he has and we will check it later .
17 I am sorry that I so rattled the Prime Minister with my question at the previous Prime Minister 's Question Time that he has not come to the House today .
18 Although he might perhaps have done better to observe Wittgenstein 's adage , ‘ Whereof one can not speak , thereon one must be silent ’ , one can not help regretting that he has not tried to be less vague about the nature of personal growth .
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