Example sentences of "that [pron] have [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At 0810 he gathered his staff around him for the daily conference to discuss the day ahead , before taking the morning parade of those attending various courses at the school , to ensure that everyone had turned up for work .
2 to the one that I 've come up with erm I E the white headrail and
3 where the games are getting played or I 've never seen it in a paper that I 've picked up in the morning , it 's never been in it !
4 Yes , I mean several points that you 've raised , and these are things that I 've picked up from the newspapers and I 'll make the point , I 'm no expert but I as I understand it , the allied erm forces have erm substantially greater number of aircraft in the area than the Iraqi airforce had , so that 's one point .
5 It was incredible that I 'd ended up in her kitchen , too , because she was the perfect person for me to cry on — and she , knowing me from way back when , was a phenomenal comfort to me , explaining so much I did n't know about the Jewish way of death , about the absence of hell , about the soul .
6 I thought to myself that I had landed up in a place without an inch of ground to call my own .
7 Autism is a very profound cognitive deficit indeed , and everything that I have said up to now entails that a person whose thinking significantly lacks an holistic character , and lacks the related qualities of directedness , inhibition and co-ordination , will be profoundly affected .
8 He was seated at the back of the court , initially angry that someone had screwed up with the tickets , but he quickly realized that every few games he was almost directly behind her .
9 It had been such a tight squeeze to get the Princess into the boat house at all , that someone had come up with the bright idea of removing the edge boards from the quay platforms on either side .
10 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
11 Marion whispered and turned away because she could n't bear to be there when something died , when all the love that she had bottled up inside herself evaporated like liquid left out in the sun .
12 She disappeared last weekend , sparking a joke from Australia 's Foreign Minister Gareth Evans that she had ended up on the dinner table of Chinese dictator Deng Xiaoping .
13 It seemed rather typical of her luck that she had ended up with the wrong sort of cat , and she could n't help wondering if Miss Hardbroom had made sure that the misfit kitten had been given to Mildred , rather than someone like Ethel .
14 Matthew wondered whether it was simply a lucky draw from the gene pool that she had ended up with such spectacular looks , or was it the result of years of careful nurturing ?
15 The governor 's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal .
16 At first I 'd thought that Kāli was joking , that she 'd sneaked up behind me , snatched the karaso and hidden it up her skirt or behind a tree .
17 ACTRESS Mia Farrow does not have a new man in her life now that she has split up with film director Woody Allen .
18 in the last one that she 's chained up to that big fat slug thing and they 're all being pushed over the edge of that big pit
19 If you apply to the fund at the beginning of the month you 'll likely to get something , but hard luck if you apply later on in the month , but that she 's taken up as an open letter to Jerry Hayes , but so far I have n't seen it in the press .
20 Fazal said that you had met up with the men and had started work .
21 Is there anything that you think needs to be changed , something that you 've picked up as a result of your study you , you feel ought to be changed in the school system ?
22 ‘ Tell Graham you 've made some enquiries and that you 've come up with something .
23 Okay , there was a survey carried out by British Telecom , and they asked some of their customers what were the most frustrating things that can happen to you on the telephone , and this was the answer , and some of the things that you 've come up with are here .
24 That it is n't that you 've got up on the wrong side or eaten something which did n't agree with you or just need a few days ' rest .
25 It is a wonderful feeling to be able to experience the strength , suppleness and stamina that you have built up over the last three weeks .
26 Can you explain the cultural foundation that you have set up for this loan ?
27 What 's the next production that you have lined up for ?
28 There are cert certain categories of business that we 've built up over the year .
29 We have to change the definition of the word that we 've grown up with over the years , otherwise we really ca n't manage the concept .
30 But what we have to do is completely junk the definition of the word quality that we 've grown up with over the years .
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