Example sentences of "that [pron] be [art] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 Suppose for example that I am a smoker who has just heard about the dangers of lung cancer .
2 His letter was hearty , breezy , man-to-man : let it never be thought , it seemed to say , that I am the man who can put your academic career on the chopping block by a couple of words in the right places .
3 He thinks that I am the man who killed the others on the wasteland , yet he keeps coming .
4 Nothing was too much to ask if it prolonged her stay , she thought wistfully , so she smiled as she said , ‘ Considering that I was the culprit who booked them in on Ling 's day off , it 's the least I can do . ’
5 Prosecutor : Do you appreciate that she is a person who has the right to refuse ?
6 At 18 she went to East Anglia University in Norwich to study English and American Studies but there was little sign then that she was a girl who would go far .
7 The Lodge also said that her reasoning was ‘ inaccurate and biased ’ , and went on to imply that she was a Fascist who could not be trusted .
8 You just have to pretend that you 're the ghost who might meet you . ’
9 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
10 Exercise 2 : Pretend that you are a witness who is going to have to give a description to the police .
11 ‘ Because if you do , ’ said Owen , ‘ I will tell everyone that you are the man who receives money from Copts . ’
12 Imagine that you are the professional who sees this family regularly .
13 heavy horse , a land horse such as a Suffolk , as most of them were , erm but times were so tight that there was a farmer who used to send his horse with his horseman right past here and go another mile down the road to , to the next village to Kettleborough where there was ano , there were two farriers there
14 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
15 John , 42 , of Ellesmere Port , said : ‘ I was on the phone taking a 999 call when someone came in screaming that there was a baby who could not breathe .
16 For seventeen , he was big and heavily built , but the man who carried him was so tall and held his weight so easily that there was no doubt who he was .
17 Virgin had , to a large extent , been built on Branson 's abilities at man-management and manipulation — his unrivalled capacity , as one friend put it , ‘ to get people to do things for him , and feel that they are the ones who have been done a favour ’ .
18 It 's time people gave some of our youngsters the credit for realising the state the country is in and knowing that they are the ones who are going to have to put it right — and are prepared to work hard to do so .
19 ( " most men like people to see that they are the ones who do the paying " )
20 As we now contemplate our strategy for the years ahead , let us never forget that they are the people who sit huddled outside , waiting for us to get it right . ’
21 Objective I is aimed at stressing to parents that they are the people who will solve the problem and that no-one else can solve it for them .
22 There can be no question but that the people of Belfast are showing , by returning day after day to work , to shop and to enjoy themselves in Belfast , that they are the people who are succeeding .
23 The trouble with the system was that they were the ones who never did .
24 It is conventional wisdom among advice agencies , local authorities and fuel boards that it 's the women who pick up the tab for men 's mismanagement .
25 She has always known that it 's the fans who count . ’
26 So what 's happened to the idea that it 's the polluter who should pay for the clean-up , farmers and nitrate manufacturers .
27 But now an MP is concerned that it 's the thieves who are cashing in by using the sales as clearing houses for stolen property .
28 So you get , if you like , a development here er of presidential authority and the perception of the presidency both from the point of view of incumbents and from the point of view of the American people and gradually in the twentieth century you get an increasing focus an increasing focus on the presidency as the engine of government , that it 's the president who makes things happen , it 's the president who fixes things , it 's the president who responds to crises and as the crises become more frequent and the crises become more intense so the focus on the president also expands and the Buchanan view is now no longer tenable , the Buchanan view it 's not possible for any president to play the dignified monarch .
29 He forbids divorce , but implicitly accepts that it is a man who initiates divorce , ‘ the man who divorces his wife …
30 In much of the discussion it has been assumed that it is a parent who seeks the information .
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