Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 I did my best to reassure her that I would not think her stupid , no matter what her problem .
2 I said seriously that I quite understood , and that I would n't hold her responsible if nothing happened .
3 It was known that Ramos had been seeking Aquino 's endorsement as her favoured successor as president , but she had stated that she would not announce her choice until 1992 .
4 Although a form of peace had been agreed upon on 28 May 1258 , it was not until 4 December 1259 that Eleanor de Montfort actually accepted the renunciations and agreed that she would not revive her claims to her French lands .
5 And now what she had to do was maintain her temper at white heat until he had pumped his pleasure into her so that she would not lose her nerve — and possibly her satin — by cringing away from him at that vital last moment — vital for him , fatal perhaps for her — and pleading with him not to make her pregnant .
6 I had made loops to go over her wrists , I told her , so that she would n't lose her grip .
7 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
8 Constance wanted to run home but she knew that she could n't leave her bike .
9 In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she could n't drag her eyes away .
10 They told her that she could n't have her own flat until she was eighteen .
11 From time to time a harassed mother might rap angrily on the window to complain that she could n't get her push-chair past the car , which I had parked blocking the pavement .
12 The pianist was complaining about the sunbeam which was falling across her face so that she could n't see her music .
13 She burst out laughing , and jumped up and hugged Bryony , who was laughing so much that she could n't catch her breath and had to be thumped on the back .
14 She had never learned to read , either , and on the very rare occasions she received a letter Christine was called in to read it to her , Miss Miggs being careful to explain that her eyes were n't as good as they used to be or that she could n't find her glasses .
15 Fen held her a little away from him , his hand going under her chin so that she could not hide her tear-streaked face .
16 Feeling that she could not move her left arm or leg , she sat down on the stairs .
17 Zoë Rashid now accepted that she could not visit her mother before she flew out to Syria .
18 And when Mrs Stych returned , looking like a fat Christmas fairy and complaining that she could not fix her wings , he was able to pin them onto her dress without rancour and to tell a thoroughly bawdy joke , which made Hank explode with laughter and his wife look outraged .
19 Now it did not even strike her as odd or ungracious that Jenny , after their long separation , should have no time for questions or interest about her sojourn in America or her journey home , and that she could not control her own unhappiness for the sake of welcoming back her sister .
20 That feeling was strange , she resisted it , she knew that it was absurd as well as amoral , but in the end she told herself that she could not command her feelings : she was no longer able to torment herself with thoughts of their wars nor to enjoy their celebrations , because she was filled with the conviction that none of it was her concern .
21 But she found that she could not tear her eyes away from him .
22 What does the patients charter offer to the woman in Wandsworth who last month found that she could not have her second child in the hospital that she chose for her first child because her health authority has no contract with that hospital ?
23 She compromised with China in agreeing to the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 and with the Zimbabwean nationalists over the Rhodesian negotiations , when it became clear that she could not get her way .
24 In a letter to Robson she described their rekindled passion , feeling only slightly aggrieved that she could not put her arms around him ( presumably they go straight through ) .
25 But even so he stripped her without haste , all the while keeping up a slow calculated assault on her senses , until the only thought she could cling to was that she must n't reveal her love .
26 Although he 'd assured her that there were no problems , and that she must n't worry her pretty head about her clients , who were sure to understand her problems , Laura still could n't help feeling slightly anxious .
27 Pressing , as her distresses are , if I did not think her heart was rightly turned , I should be afraid of proposing such a measure , lest it should unsettle the sobriety of her mind , and , by exciting her vanity , indispose her for the laborious employments of her humble condition ; but it would be cruel to imagine that we can not mend her fortune without impairing her virtue .
28 They had reached the grave , and Ace obediently turned to face the crowd , so that they could n't see her freed hands , which had previously been hidden by Petion 's body .
29 But her new sheets smelled of lavender and there was a comforting stone hot-water-bottle at the foot of the bed , wrapped up in part of an old blanket so that it would not bruise her toes , and Victoria 's gentle breathing was drowsy as the humming of bees , and she slept , with the tears drying on her cheeks .
30 But Evelyn felt quite sure that he would not reveal her secret .
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