Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [adv] give [art] " in BNC.

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1 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
2 In Leicestershire we are trying to produce an agreed policy between each practice and cardiologist , and I would entirely agree that you can not give a blanket yes or no .
3 It is clear that one can not give a general rule .
4 They hid the grave so that we could n't give the bodies a proper burial .
5 Anyway , you could scratch up the rifling with a file and steel wool so that it would never give the same markings on a bullet again . ’
6 It was held ( a ) that it was a statement of present fact , namely that at the time the letter was sent the traveller had a definite and certain booking , ( b ) that that statement was false because the airline 's overbooking policy meant that the traveller 's booking was exposed to a risk that it might not give a seat on the aircraft , and ( c ) that the airline made the false statement knowingly ( and not merely recklessly ) since the airline was well aware of its own overbooking policy .
7 Foucault , as we have seen , is also criticized on the grounds that he can not give a cause for the shifts he describes , but this criticism itself begs the question insofar as it assumes a certain kind of history , which itself presupposes that there was a cause in the sense of a single uniform causality , rather than a disconnectedness in the scientific mode .
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