Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] about " in BNC.

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1 Luckily , the rain had stopped and I spent a few minutes baling out , thinking once again that I must do something about drainage , but never seem to get round to it as the weather clears up and everything dries out very quickly .
2 ‘ But I do not flatter myself that I can do anything about them .
3 He answered : ‘ The man told me that he was a detective , and that I should say nothing about him to anyone . ’
4 You thought British art had been ‘ needlessly neglected and undervalued and that somebody ought to do something about it ’ .
5 Home in on a cause that you can do something about .
6 I hope that you will do something about it .
7 The plain fact is that one may learn something about features of recovery by looking at large numbers of individuals but the converse does not wholly follow .
8 Set up in 1920 by actor Leslie Howard and director Adrian Brunel among others , with the hope that they could do something about ‘ raising the standards of British films ’ , the company had only enough capital to produce six short comedies .
9 Knowing that she turned the peeping Toms on with her performances — and that they could do nothing about it as they sat there , transfixed by her sex and her flagrant use of it .
10 Several leaders of the Liberal Party " were known to favour a Popular Front to move the Government , but acquiesced in the view that they could do nothing about it unless the Labour Party changed its attitude " .
11 Now , as far as Conservatives are concerned , I speak myself and I 'm sure everyone here would offer the same sympathy as the the government has promised that they will do something about this .
12 The Government wish that such increases were not happening , but realise that they can do nothing about them .
13 The fac targets are focused on things that are within that own persons control , that they can do something about themselves , straight away .
14 " We want to bring it to the attention of communities that they can do something about the rubbish in their streets , " said UNEP 's Richard Lumbe , launching the campaign in Nairobi .
15 We suspect that he may know something about the downing of this plane that we do n't know he knows , if you follow me .
16 She could no longer feel her feet , but , glancing down at them , not too obviously for fear Richard should feel that he ought to do something about them , she saw that both of them were now bleeding .
17 Although she had never allowed herself to consider it a possibility , the thought had crossed her mind that he might know something about that letter .
18 Sean 's dad did not even leave his seat because he was unprepared to do anything about this problem , but he knew that he should do something about it .
19 He feels that he must do something about it .
20 The fact that he could do nothing about it made Burun 's enjoyment of the situation all the sweeter .
21 We could borrow one easily enough from a lifting vessel or salvage tug but the chances are high that he 'd know nothing about explosives .
22 He took it seriously at first , affronted that anyone could say anything about anyone so close to him , but before very long , he saw the funny side .
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