Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] [be] use for " in BNC.

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1 Her last wish was that she should be used for transplants .
2 Then , place a sheet of glass over the design and trace the outlines on to the stiff card that you will be using for your stencil pattern .
3 If you know the length per ball or cone of the yarns that you will be using for your garment , you can enter this information in the ADJUST section .
4 Senior Soviet officials stressed that the patrols were an emergency measure decided in the face of the soaring crime rate , and denied that they would be used for political ends or would violate human rights .
5 The scientist Robert Boyle was looking for a method of preserving corpses so that they could be used for summer as well as winter tutorials .
6 It is n't an offence to inhale solvents but it is an offence to sell them in the knowledge that they will be used for such a purpose . ’
7 The next job is to reconfigure the mexeflote rafts so that they can be used for other tasks .
8 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
9 EQ units generally have two channels so that they can be used for stereo , but the channels can be operated separately so that two mono signals can be corrected individually .
10 The learned information just makes these traits explicit , so that they can be used for prediction .
11 Similarly , s.4(1) ( c ) prohibits an insider , in relation to advertised securities , from communicating any information in the knowledge , or with reasonable cause to believe , that it would be used for such dealing , counselling , or procuring .
12 Last week King Fahd said his country would help pay for rebuilding Osirak , on the understanding that it would be used for peaceful purposes only .
13 A DBMS can store , retrieve , update and compare this information on millions of ‘ record cards ’ so that it can be used for business purposes .
14 You perhaps get restoration of fishery or enhancement of amenity or enhancement of the quality of the water such that it can be used for a far wider spectrum of requirements than it was before .
15 The purpose of making notes is primarily to set out , in a shortened but logical form , information that you have gathered from a variety of sources on a particular topic so that it can be used for revision purposes and as an aid to memory .
16 A model represents something , usually in simplified form which highlights aspects which are of particular interest to the user , and is built so that it can be used for a specific purpose , for example , communication and testing .
17 One of the main advantages of percutaneous cholecystolithotomy over other non-operative techniques is that it can be used for 78% of patients , with stones of any composition , number and size , and a patent cystic duct is not essential .
18 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
19 There was nothing against my packing a bag and loading the wheelbarrow on the Land Rover so that it could be used for the longer , more difficult sections .
20 Once it is accepted that surrogacy is unlikely to cause any serious harm , the idea that it could be used for social rather than medical reasons should lose much of the horror and condemnation with which it tends to be associated .
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