Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [det] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Once you uncover the cause , the theory goes that you are half way to solving the particular problem that concerns you .
2 However much Labour may talk about public expenditure , it normally makes such a mess of the economy that there is little benefit to be found in the longer run .
3 The idea is that there is little value to a manager of a set of monthly accounts which record only the invoices received or invoices paid .
4 Will he look at last Monday 's Adjournment debate and see that there is another side to the story , before we start , heaven knows , on sanctions that will hurt the 36 British companies in Libya , which are led , by for example , Brown and Root , and which could lead to something worse in the form of another strike ?
5 It is impossible to imagine that there is any purpose to life that makes any sense at all other than that life is to be enjoyed .
6 But we may already point out that an objector who wishes to deny that there is any reality to the notion of assignment as distinct from qualification must pay the high price of asserting that there is no difference between ( 30 ) and ( 31 ) , or between ( 32 ) and ( 33 ) .
7 I can not say for sure that there is any risk to the carp 's health , but that is a classic case of playing around with things we do not understand !
8 I return to the question that we shall level continually at the Labour party : what is the basis for thinking that there is any answer to the country 's problems through increasing the burden of taxation ?
9 An obvious implication of the continuity between peace and war and between internal and foreign policy referred to in Chapter 1 is that there is less meaning to the civilian-military distinction in the USSR than elsewhere .
10 ( This presupposes the British system , where seniority and higher salary depend upon promotion to such leadership positions ; in some schools in the USA , on the contrary , the system of rewards is such that there is less incentive to a fine teacher to seek , or , accept what we would call " promotion " . )
11 Although there is no absolute legal requirement , it is safest to ensure that there is some reference to the terms on the face of the document ; for instance : This order is for the supply of goods subject to the terms printed overleaf or We acknowledge receipt of your order and agree to supply you , subject to our terms printed overleaf .
12 In other UDC areas local authorities and UDC Boards are working together to ensure that there is some balance to redevelopment , and officials are making great efforts to reassure residents and distance themselves from the LDDC experience .
13 In saying this , of course , we are simply restating the fundamental question of psycholinguistics and it is not to be expected that there is some answer to the problem of explanation or even a commonly agreed way of investigating the issues involved .
14 Over recent years , the study of the fire problem involved in high-bay ( high-racked ) warehouses has provoked much thought and discussion , and has brought with it the realisation that there are many factors to be considered in determining the correct solution to adopt .
15 His own horror of self-revelation has led to the assumption that there are such revelations to be made .
16 The authors quoted above , Brewer and Hills , stated that ‘ It is significant that there are few references to evaluation in the literature of reader instruction and until very recently they have been virtually non-existent ’ .
17 And let me tell you , you pompous individual , that there are more wars to be fought than those with guns .
18 Leftfield go all New Yorky on us to demonstrate that there are more shades to their colour than first meets the eye , but really it 's the pair of Zoom mixes that hold the trump cards .
19 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
20 Lord Geraint , the former MP who has had a lifetime 's experience as a sheep farmer and dealer , warned however that there were many things to be done again to safeguard the interests of those about to start farming .
21 However , I pointed out that what I was asking for was no more than would comprise a normal police station in a provincial town and that there were many economies to be made by giving up our offices in central London .
22 In effect , it is as if the woman making the bar magnets suddenly realized that there were more questions to be asked about her job ; that pressing the button was not really much of an answer to the question ‘ How do you make magnets ? ’
23 So now he was gradually coming to see that there were several sides to every question .
24 It was concluded that there was little improvement to be made to the content of our induction package .
25 A few months later , in India , the then Attorney General Ed Meese conceded obliquely that there was some truth to these charges .
26 Subsequent criticism of inadequate standardisation suggests indeed that there was some sensitivity to the benefits of using the remaining economic life of non-standard systems and older equipment within Boards .
27 His hands were careful and restrained , his mouth tender , and although only a very short while later , Cassie was to realize just how much self-control he had exerted at that moment of their first real physical contact , for those few minutes , she knew only that she was not afraid of him , nor even suspected that there was any need to be .
28 The wild pitch sound was born , Mr Pierre proving that there was more mileage to be had in ‘ Essential Acapella Vol 1 ’ than most people imagined .
29 Following article in the last issue on ‘ returning to work ’ felt that there was another side to the coin and felt she had to put pen to paper to balance out various viewpoints .
30 Not that it 's any thanks to you ! ’
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