Example sentences of "that [pron] [conj] [noun pl] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 2 looks at variations that I and others have noted in orientations at work : goals change ; circumstances change ; energy levels decline , all with a notable change in career-motivation profiles .
2 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
3 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
4 There is a difference , I think , between making children feel responsible for righting the wrongs of the world that we as adults have created , but at the same time to be able to enable them to think constructively as to what they can do .
5 Junack told me that he personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship by placing explosive charges in the cooling water intakes and to open the seacocks , and that he and others had done this ; and this was confirmed by an engine-room rating named Werner Lust who stayed on in England after his release as a prisoner-of-war .
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