Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 I wanted it to be that I had n't really been that big before I left — in other words , prove them wrong .
2 But when Joelle introduced us I realized that I had n't really been prepared for the meeting at all .
3 He 'd secured her with practised ease , and so fast that she had n't even been aware of it happening .
4 She felt guilty that she had not yet been to visit Miss Grimes in her bed-sitting room somewhere off the Finchley Road , really within easy distance of where she lived , so there was really no excuse .
5 If , after a previously unblemished career , you are taken to task , it may be that your superiors ' requirements are unrealistic or that you have not yet been given sufficient time to adjust to the style of the new regime .
6 It is vital to remember that we have not yet been told that Sarah will be the mother of the son of the promise .
7 Nevertheless , the inflow of complaints continues to grow and I am disturbed that we have not yet been able to make much of an inroad into the backlog of work .
8 Or it could be simply that there had n't yet been a serious British accident .
9 I feel that the subject of syllabic consonants is an area that we need to know more about , and that there has not yet been enough discussion of the problems found in their analysis .
10 You raised a very , very significant issue that I have n't heard much addressed in recent days and we know that there has n't really been a super power of the Soviet Union and any other military sense for the last couple of years .
11 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
12 Given that these indicators already exist for Local Authorities , it is surely indefensible to fail to explore their potential for improving the equity of resource allocation , and perhaps surprising that they have not yet been incorporated in the formulae for assessing GRE .
13 I understand that they have not even been built yet .
14 Of one thing she was convinced , however , and that was that she had actually regressed to a previous life and that it had not simply been the work of her imagination .
15 He said that it had not yet been decided how to go about making the cuts in all areas , notably in France , and it is not clear whether the figure of 3,000 includes the 800 to 900 positions that Bull said last week that it intended to eliminate in France .
16 It had been courteously framed , but Goibniu had arranged for Balor to go with them and Floy had known — and everyone had known — that it had not really been a request but a command .
17 Of the second here illustrated , the Moss Provence , Miller said that it had not long been known in London and the first time he saw it ‘ was in 1727 in the garden of Dr Boerhaave near Leyden who was so good as to give me one of the plants , but from where it came I could not learn .
18 The insertion of an adequate Human factors approach into a comprehensive design process is not easy , partly for the reason mentioned already that it has not habitually been regarded as necessary and partly because it cuts across all other decision-making .
19 The stock is , to the extent that it has not already been used or sold in the ordinary and normal course of trading in good condition and working order and capable of being used or sold in the ordinary and normal course of trading .
20 This solution induces vertigo if one thinks in terms of a self-contained realm of observation and inference ; does it mean that the most you can say of Einstein 's physics is that it has not yet been refuted , which can be said equally of ‘ Unicorns exist ’ ?
21 It is possible to argue either that the community charge has failed its first test as a device to improve the accountability of local government or that it has not really been tested at all .
22 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
23 You ca n't go digging at random , leaving behind mounds of earth until you find the right spot ; you just have to hope that it has n't subsequently been covered by path , patio or drive , and has been sited in the most likely place — under the lawn .
24 A pot of coffee was spilled , and Sara had to get a damp cloth for the trousers of one of the visitors , who was involved in an unwise pretense that he had n't actually been asleep .
25 Smith , 29 , who has a year to run on his present deal , has had preliminary discussions with Mr Graham but Ken Friar , Arsenal 's managing director , said yesterday that he had not yet been formally offered a fresh contract .
26 This showed that he had not only been in the Catalina that had sighted the Bismarck but was actually piloting it and had taken avoiding action when the Bismarck opened fire .
27 If he lacked Zhivkov 's taste , Ceauşescu showed greater consistency of purpose : Zhivkov survived his fall and lived long enough to explain that he had not really been a Communist after all ; Ceauşescu never gave his judges the satisfaction of hearing him renounce his beliefs .
28 He wished to be able to show by affidavit evidence that he had not occupied the house qua pauper but had paid rates and carried out repairs , and that he had not therefore been chargeable on the parish during the period of his occupation ; the magistrate could not give himself jurisdiction by his own affirmation of it .
29 A part-time probation officer may do so in his own time provided that he has not previously been concerned with the child and his family in a professional capacity .
30 His love affair with the Championship is such that he has not once been beaten in the final .
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