Example sentences of "that [pron] [noun] was not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But on the other hand , the bibliography for the Tate catalogue required that I look back at a lot of old notices and I find that my perception was not at all valid .
2 I was also reminded that on the same floor I woke up one morning to find the sun shining through the curtains , it being the only day of the entire Frankfurt Book Fair that my room was not below cloud level .
3 It is true that my mother was not in that state , but she too had lost the will to live ; and she too was denied the balm of curtailment .
4 It was obvious that my aircraft was not in a condition for any further fighting and I flew a zig-zag course back to the 'drome keeping a very watchful eye on the sky around me .
5 Each one has held to the view that the Common Market was flawed from its inception , that its membership was not in Britain 's interest , that with respect to trade , immigration policy , defence and foreign policy , her true interests were best upheld as an independent nation trading on the high seas .
6 She did n't bother tapping on the door but pushed it open and straightaway saw that her sister was n't in the room .
7 She wanted to say that her conscience was n't for sale ; but she lacked the nerve .
8 Ruth saw at once that her grandfather was not in the room , but she took it for granted that by some miracle he had improved enough to get upstairs and was resting in bed .
9 They never complained that their music was n't on certain radio stations because they understood the scope of their work .
10 God bless that their death was not in vain .
11 He had worked most assiduously on the design but on finding that his style was not to Palmerston 's taste he would , in conformity with the statement made in Parliament , make another design , which he trusted ‘ would be more fortunate ’ .
12 He could see that his life was n't at issue ; she had n't come to hear about that .
13 Tweed , the Liberal election agent , ‘ knew … that it was not illness or the tedium of a long convalescence which kept him out , but that his heart was not in it and that confronted with the serried ranks of vested interests which compose this new Government , his sympathies were as always with the bottom dogs … '
14 But she could see that his heart was not in it .
15 His argument that his conduct was not in any sense ‘ aimed at ’ the policeman , as apparently required by the earlier decision , was accepted by the justices , who dismissed the prosecution .
16 What he felt most inclined to do — warn this man who was his best and oldest friend that his wife was not to be trusted — he had given his word he would not .
17 In the end Flimnap realized that his wife was not in love with me , and had not done anything wrong , but he was still angry with me .
18 Nevertheless , although I knew that there would be no Castello di Blandings awaiting me — Eric had always gone to great lengths to tell me that his family was not at all grand or well-off-I said yes .
19 He suddenly felt horribly drunk , but his wits had not altogether left him and he had a nasty inkling that his speech was not to the point .
20 He walked with a teeter , as though he was in the middle of falling on his nose , and brandished a glass lens on a stick as a warning to those in his way that his eyesight was not of the best .
21 Guy de Chauliac had pointed out that his ointment was not without dangers if used in too great a quantity .
22 We were still undecided when , unaccountably , I had a strong feeling that our pet was n't to be found here .
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