Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] now [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 True ; but they forget that privatisation will loosen the tight corset that the Treasury now puts on investment .
2 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
3 Nor , for the same reason , can he succeed upon his broader submission that the publicity now given to these documents has so eroded their privacy that the public interest in their future non-disclosure should be found to have evaporated .
4 Rather it had served to convince him that the choice now open to mankind was between the principle of non-violence and racial suicide .
5 It is from that sheet that the figures were transcribed on to the erm on to the pink and the , the , the , the , erm blue and the yellow sheets which have been circulated and which have been amended so that the figures now correspond on both sheets .
6 Speaking to a joint meeting of the University and Central Region officials recently , Professor Michael Jackson , Deputy Principal , estimated that the University now supports in excess of 2800 jobs in the Region ( 1380 employees and a further 1500 jobs in support services ) .
7 Not that the lad now looks as if he 's got any nerves .
8 Creditors holding priority claims , such as pre-petition wage claims , some customer claims , set-off claims and secured claims will be paid in full or as agreed upon by the parties , or otherwise remain outstanding ; it appears that the shares now traded on the American Stock Exchange will be essentially worthless .
9 Creditors holding priority claims , such as pre-petition wage claims , some customer claims , set-off claims and secured claims will be paid in full or as agreed upon by the parties , or otherwise remain outstanding ; it appears that the shares now traded on the American Stock Exchange will be essentially worthless .
10 Research done for Philips testifies to the importance that the police now attach to interrogation of suspects and the procuring of confessions from the guilty .
11 It was estimated , following preliminary results of the congressional elections , that the Peronists now controlled at least 120 of the 254 seats in the Chamber of Deputies , a position strengthened further by their alliance with centre-right parties .
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