Example sentences of "that [be] [verb] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There , is the same true in countries that are developing at the moment ?
2 On out-of-the-money puts , the implied volatility is usually higher than on options that are struck at the money ( ie , at current forward exchange rates ) , especially when a currency is under pressure .
3 By puddings I do not mean the pretty little fripperies that are offered at the end of an elegant dinner as token appeasement of our sweet-toothed leanings .
4 The V-neck band is knitted as two straight pieces that are seamed at the centre front and back .
5 Securities that are sold at a discount , pay no interest explicitly , and mature at par are known as pure discount securities .
6 There is a constant danger of losing sight of the young reader , a loss apparent in exquisite pictures that are too complex or more concerned with technique than content ; that are too concerned with nostalgia ( triggering the adult memory with steam engines and tram-cars , with gas masks and barrage-balloons ) ; books that are aimed at the coffee-table rather than the children ; and books that are too ‘ good ’ to handle .
7 Except I think just to emphasize one or two minor issues but the savings from last year , that was the underspendings from ninety two ninety three were , as you recall last year er used to support this year 's budget er those savings underspending are no longer available and therefore have been taken out of the consideration The staff costs for T S G schemes that are mentioned at the bottom of page five erm , the programme this year which is actually listed over the page at table two does erm indicate that erm we are now contemplating link road and bypass next year and staff available are needed to complete that work or fortunately we 've been able to secure a start on which enables some of the staff to be transferred to work on that scheme .
8 There was a problem during the er evidence to the various committees that were looking at the coal crisis and the problems in relation to coal , in that very often people were translating it into tonnage and the number of pits etcetera , whereas the argument needed to be that the rules of the game had been rigged in the first place at the privatization of electricity and the rules of the game need to be changed if we 're gon na succeed .
9 After all we knew that subsidy did n't exist to subsidise empty seats but rather the necessary and new ideas that were wanted at the time .
10 Notwithstanding the efforts that were made at the conference to din the contradiction between conservation and utilitarianism into the brains behind DOCOMOMO , the lure of the rolling expense accounts of museum culture was too strong .
11 After two cancellations that were made at the behest of the managing director , Peter Threfall , I had had enough .
12 The section deals with transactions prior to an individual bankruptcy that were conducted at an undervalue or constituted a preference .
13 In accordance with the main theme of this book the accounts given here are drawn from the school sector ( primary and secondary ) and concentrate on activities that were conducted at the level of the whole institution ( although , in practice , the whole of the school may not have become involved ) .
14 There were the other things that were written at the time — there are at least 15 cues . ’
15 This is not the place to discuss the report at length , but to mention one or two points that were aired at the press conference to introduce it .
16 The tears that were burning at the back of her eyes began to fall as soon as she entered her room , and , flinging herself on the bed , she gave way to helpless misery .
17 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
18 A problem arose because it was believed that Macmillan had secured terms of reference which would entitle the Tribunal to investigate not merely Vassall , but also rumours relating to Vassall that were circulating at the time , rumours about many discreditable matters but mainly his sexual activities .
19 It can also be viewed as combining elements of treaty law with territorial competence : the acceptance of the territory within the previously agreed boundaries incurs acceptance of any conditions that were negotiated at the time of the boundary settlement .
20 Added to this there was the alarming , although on closer inspection ambiguous , evidence of concerted communist plans for Asia as a whole that were discussed at the World Federation of Democratic Youth Conference in Calcutta in February 1948 .
21 Only a handful of the numerous pamphlets that were published at the time are included in the catalogue .
22 Oh no er necessarily not , because er depending on the details of the er formula that all the words that er come out of the discussions today , er it 's got to be discussed by the members at grass-roots level , and if we 're not happy with it , we will be sticking to the action er certainly up until when the ballot is taken and if it is voted against er any deal that is struck at the moment , we will continue the action , and I think this will be not only in Oxfordshire , but up and down the country , the strength of feeling nationally is very strong .
23 So , viewers at home , do not hesitate , if you have even the slightest piece of useful data , hook up that modem and call , in complete confidence , our unmonitored SnitchLine on the number that is flashing at the bottom of your screen …
24 If the operator is in an aircraft that is flying at a height of 10000 m he can control a Telemine from a range of 500 km .
25 Currently ( 1993 ) there are some twenty million users worldwide of the most commonly used electronic network , Internet , a figure that is growing at a rate of ten percent per month .
26 Choose a sideshoot of the current year 's growth that is hardening at the base , then tear it away from the main stem with a sliver of wood .
27 I must begin by rejecting a notion that is circulating at the moment that Christianity has only recently discovered the importance of green issues and has simply jumped on a topical band-wagon .
28 House of Commons leader , John Wakeham , who 's heading the committee that 's looking at the problem says it 's an issue which must be tackled locally .
29 I want to say the thing that 's happening at the moment in my difficult life that I 'd hold onto like a drowning man with a log .
30 I was involved with the show that was recorded at The Marquee and I think a few months after that he called me and said he was doing an album called ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ and did n't know where to get it mixed .
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