Example sentences of "that [conj] it [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the problem with Clairvaux was that although it lay in Poitou a Count of Anjou could claim to hold it .
2 More recent evidence suggests , however , that while it lives in woodland it actually hunts over nearby open areas ( Glue & Hammond , 1974 ; Yalden , 1985 ) .
3 The first thing that that litany reminds us of is that when it came to success , in the immortal words of Mae West ( put into her mouth by scriptwriter Vincent Lawrence ) , goodness had nothing to do with it .
4 The fact was , the beleaguered prime minister explained to a restive House of Commons , that when it came to income maintenance , history had turned the welfare state on its head .
5 The implication was that when it came to embroidery , the stitching up had been done on Merseyside , if Barnes had been fit enough to train for the last two days .
6 The fact that the lane runs so wide and straight also tells us that when it came into existence the open arable fields of Barton and Wootton did not yet extend so far .
7 The Telegraph 's management believes that when it moved to Docklands , more than two years ago , it failed to modernise fully journalistic work practices , and did not realise how new technology could be used to reduce the number of editing jobs .
8 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
9 One man , and his garden shed , are living proof that when it comes to eccentricity , we 've got the market cornered .
10 THEY might be the underdogs but Sunder land have proved in the past that when it comes to Wembley finals they can rise to the occasion .
11 IT does n't take a professional fashion pundit to work out that when it comes to glamour , Liverpool girls are a force to be reckoned with .
12 Statistics for the diocese of Sheffield covering the period ‘ 82 to ‘ 88 show — as Table 1 demonstrates — that when it comes to attendance growth , small is beautiful .
13 A recent national survey by a leading High Street chain store showed that when it comes to Merseystyle , it 's pinstripes for the day and the ‘ tarty ’ look at night .
14 LENNOX LEWIS and Frank Maloney are apparently the last two people this side of Jupiter to realise that when it comes to world heavyweight boxing titles , possession is 10 tenths of the law .
15 And that when it comes to quality , service or safety , it 's often worth spending a little more ?
16 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
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