Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The results showed that protein secreted during the first hour of stimulation was derived from pancreatic stores and that the turnover rate of stores was approximately 37%/h in normal human subjects .
2 In particular , Siegel ( 1967 ) found that a close examination of his results led to the conclusion ( see also Riley 1968 ) that it was unwarranted to assume that responses learned in the first stage could not be the source of the transfer seen in the second .
3 Resentful souls on Earth , tethered there by obligation or obstinacy , muttered that Capella knew from the first what would be found on Mars and why .
4 The deputy chairman of the UN Special Commission on Iraq , Robert Galucci , said in Bahrain on Jan. 14 that Iraq had for the first time admitted " pursuing a production-scale centrifuge enrichment programme rather than simply a research programme " , after UN inspectors confronted Iraqi officials with evidence supplied by Germany showing the involvement of German firms in this programme .
5 Mitchell noted that banana exports in the first nine months of 1990 had totalled EC$78,000,000 , a 14 per cent increase on the corresponding period of 1989 .
6 The efficiency gains that RBS wrought in the first few months of Project Columbus reflect how much fat it was carrying .
7 It is perhaps surprising to find that Jacques married for the first time on 31 March 1728 at the age of 55 .
8 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
9 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
10 You do n't need a theological background to see there is a difference between the way that Paul writes in the first part of chapter 15 and in the second .
11 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
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