Example sentences of "i always [verb] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were sometimes dangerous people near Haworth , so I always had a gun in the house .
2 I always had a sort of inclination towards buildings , architecture and that sort of thing .
3 As Granpa Charlie and I always had an apple for breakfast , the arrangement sorted out our own needs and also gave me the chance to sample what we were selling to the customers .
4 ‘ But I always like a beach to myself .
5 I always felt an affinity with Donna , I thought it was because we were born the same day — ’
6 However the message soon got home to me so that today , nearly seventy years on , I always make a point of being early .
7 And I always make a point of doing as I please .
8 I always take a bottle of water in the car for the children . ’
9 I always take a bottle of claret and a meat pie to help me through the service and , when it 's finished , I gaze around to catch the eye of some pretty maid .
10 There is no right or wrong way and personally I always take a briefcase with me because there you have the tools of my trade in there .
11 I always take a turn in the restaurant to see there are no complaints .
12 ‘ Well , I always take a nap of an afternoon and when you rap the knocker it startles me , which is bad for my nerves . ’
13 I always take a lot of care plumbing the depth , and even though I know this peg well , I will plumb it again .
14 I should add here that even as a junior at Halton I was in the senior cross-country team — which only people in their very last year were normally eligible to join and at this stage I was in my first year of three , I was allowed to go out on any occasion , in running gear , to train as I was a bona fide member of the team and so on one of these occasions when I was out training — I always wore a sort of towel around my neck which looked very professional at the time and quite unnecessary — I managed to conceal the altimeter , which had become very very hot property by this time because it was known that several instruments were missing and we could have a visit from the gendarme .
15 ‘ Before I start a book , I always draw a map of the setting , and I put in people 's houses .
16 I always keep a bottle in my desk drawer , but this character was putting it away on an industrial scale .
17 Right then you know where you are I always I always have a pie with me just in case I get hungry .
18 So I , I , you know I always have a salad for me dinner and I have a salad when I night
19 I always have a pile of small , brightly coloured bricks on my desk , because they teach me so much about the children who sit in front of them .
20 ‘ Through my early years , I always did a lot of running and I came to the conclusion that that was the reason for my injuries .
21 Made me laugh last night , he said erm I , I , I always do a load of spuds he said even if it 's
22 I always leave a minimum of one and a half hours so that if I have a blow-out or breakdown or some other unforeseen emergency , I still have time to take care of it and catch the plane .
23 I always interview a subject on his — or her — own .
24 As a matter of principle I always approach a piece from the purely musical side .
25 And I always buy a bag of potatoes , you know a big
26 He teased me about the way in which I always created a background for these exhibitions , isolating them from their surroundings , by arranging a roll of six feet high gray or white corrugated card in columns and bays .
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