Example sentences of "i 've [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I thought we could have lunch in the garden after your inspection — I 've already arranged for the fridge to be restocked — and afterwards , if you do n't fancy going to the beach , we could go out in my boat , or I 'll take you for a tour of North Zealand , through the quaint old villages with their farmhouses and gardens full of hollyhocks and the beech woods .
2 Well I 've already said about the bulk transfer Giro , I quite honestly do n't know whether any other option can be given to people , they 've given the option to defer their pension with the Post or their present scheme , transferred it new company scheme or take out er the money and take out a personal pension fund er I suppose there might be a possibility of offering people after a certain number past a certain number of years the opportunity to remain within the fund they 're in but er the contribution and who , who makes a contribution may be a problem , but that 's the only other option I can see .
3 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
4 The other er bits of information of course we need to know what co I 've already spoken about the copy .
5 Er I I 've already reported on the maternity leave cover provisions .
6 I mean by the piece I 'm reading you today , I 've already submitted to the B B C and if I sell it
7 I 've not cared for the last few at all , but this one I 'd definitely play on the radio .
8 So , if you 've got a mouse you could actually help speed up a lot of this editing but , I said , I 've not written in the mouse commands into this schedule because we did n't actually have mice on all work stations when this was written .
9 I do n't know , I 've not looked at the programmes , there 's Churchill tonight at nine thirty , must look at that
10 I 'd quite like a cigarette , too , even though it 's still early and I 've barely got over the morning cough but McDunn seems to have forgotten his manners .
11 I 've just retired from the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service after just over thirty years service having reached , reached the er full time that I matured , that 's thirty years service and attaining the ripe old age of fifty five .
12 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
13 Well I 've just warmed in the microwave .
14 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
15 Erm , I 've just discovered from the
16 ‘ I feel I 've just auditioned for the part of a human being and I did n't get the job . ’
17 I 've just walked from the car . ’
18 I 've just come across the details of your interesting looking conference in Blois .
19 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
20 I 've just come for the skirt your mum 's fixed for me , ’ she said .
21 I 've just come from the Foreign Office , and you 're immediately on a new assignment .
22 I 've just come from the Appeal Court .
23 I 've just come from the Embassy .
24 James and Richard , I 've just come in the door and they want Beethoven music on , Mozart music
25 I do n't know , I 've never been in it , I 've just looked through the window and then they 've got junk , I mean that , that er
26 I fiddle with my safety catch like I 've just finished on the firing range , and I lean back looking nonchalant because I 'm too weak to make a move .
27 Hello , it 's Mrs here , I 've just spoken to the other lady making a booking for three twin rooms .
28 And er I 've been there all my life and that 's and that 'll be eighty seven years old come May and er I 've just worked on the farm all my days and er then of course when my people died I just er stayed myself , and then lived with other people here and there , just to help them .
29 I 've just thought of the perfect thing to lend you . ’
30 Otherwise , I 've just talked about the alternative .
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