Example sentences of "i could [adv] [verb] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In March , I had a week of sustained psychological warfare with a heron : it would hunch on the garage roof as I left for work , and I could well imagine the thoughts of piscicide running through its reptilian brain .
2 ‘ Even while I was speaking I realised I could well turn the tables with that .
3 I could n't manage the stairs , otherwise I should have got dressed .
4 I did n't own a pair of binoculars , so I could n't observe the birds as closely as I 'd have wished , but I had something much closer to watch .
5 Like you , I could n't interpret the paintings in any particular way , and I do n't think we really need to .
6 I could n't afford the ponies . ’
7 Frankly , I could n't afford the fees
8 I could n't afford the fares into town as well as a reasonable seat for sitting in .
9 I could n't remember the words .
10 I could n't fault the descriptions , although I did find it a little irritating to be several paragraphs into each section before the actual route of ascent was revealed .
11 Perhaps I could have freeclimbed it , but the problem was that I could n't predict the pockets and I would n't have found out until it was too late to avoid a monster fall .
12 I could n't get the police .
13 Unfortunately , I could n't get the pictures to hang correctly in my kitchen , so I decided to improvise and use pots and pans instead . ’
14 It only came out a couple of times , and I could n't get the words apart the end where it sounded something like ‘ scores off the bar , F*CK CANTONA , Brian Deane , Brian Deane , Brian Deane ’ .
15 And a deaf therapist said : ‘ I could n't follow the lectures at all , yet I did n't feel I could keep saying , ‘ I 'm deaf , will you look at me ? ’ ’
16 I could n't follow the words , could n't appreciate the tone , light-hearted and reassuring .
17 If I tried I suspect I 'd find I could n't articulate the words .
18 I could n't believe the bookies were giving 9/1 for Leeds to win the whole thing on Sat. morning .
19 I should dearly have liked to know whether they were Europeans or Americans , but I could n't hear the accents .
20 I could n't find the words to tell Dorothy , so I said it was a wrong number .
21 But I could n't find the words .
22 However of course you may not give your permission , for your words of you know , I could n't find the doors
23 I could n't find the kids but just as had to pull out the fire brigade arrived . ’
24 I was stricken with a love so vast that I could n't find the edges .
25 The driver was still in the cab , you see , so I could n't let the tyres down . ’
26 I could n't trust the boots , and was hanging on to any hold .
27 In the sea of pebbles I could n't see the bolts — so much for environmental concerns — but fortunately it was easy climbing .
28 We were climbing away at a very gentle angle and I could not understand why I could not move the controls .
29 As I entered the building a chant started up , but I could not catch the words .
30 I could not believe the headlines .
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