Example sentences of "for what [be] [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Sodalities , such as the Legion of Mary , Opus Dei , and Christian Life communities , have partially extended this form of commitment to some , particularly more middle-class laity , and continue to have an important role in activating laity for what are judged to be religious goals both personally and socially .
2 In spite of this , there is plenty of scope for what is sought to be greatly reduced ; it is also possible for the permission to be limited in time , in other words for the development , building and/or use to be permitted only until some date in the future .
3 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
4 In most work environments there is a local border line for what is considered to be acceptable behaviour .
5 The fine is the maximum for what is considered to be a minor breach of Tour conduct .
6 IN exactly 12 months time Dublin will stage the International Golden Oldies festival when 6,000 of the seer and mellow generation will furnish teams for what is expected to be the biggest celebration yet .
7 But there is then sometimes an interesting area of overlap , where the style is employed for what is taken to be other material : the ‘ drama-documentary ’ , the ‘ dramatic reconstruction ’ .
8 In the meantime , it was important to assess and identify the sites for what was hoped to be a series of follow-on stations .
9 He had just made a pilot for what was hoped to be a series called Beyond Our Ken — although the Ken in the title was not he but one of the most respected performers on radio , Kenneth Horne .
10 But it was hard to express gratitude for what was bound to be seen as a harsh deprivation — the loss of natural family .
11 This story did the rounds some years ago , when Romanians already had the measure of their leader , but while the West was still honouring President Ceausescu for what was considered to be his independent stand on foreign policy issues .
12 On the contrary , I was mocked within the family for my ‘ posh ’ accent , and for what was considered to be my general childishness , especially as far as my sense of humour was concerned .
13 A search for what was thought to be a body has been called off after police found an aircraft cargo net .
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